Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32353
The Administrative Appeal in the New Chilean Immigration LawLa impugnación administrativa en la nueva ley migratoria chilena
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2024)
Contentious-administrative techniques that reinforce the rule of law
(Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Programa de Derecho Administrativo Economico, 2020-06-23)
The techniques used against the Administration are the consequence of the systematic reading of administrative provisions. These techniques indicate that certain practices are favorable to the judicial review of administrative ...
The Constitutionalization of the Appeal Proceedings in the Chilean Administrative LitigationLa constitucionalización de la doble instancia en el contencioso administrativo chileno
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2024)
The author did a review entitled clinical aspects of tetanus emphasizing the etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic, clinical aspects, differential diagnosis, laboratorial tests, treatment, complications and prophylaxis.
Shrinking the Administrative State: New Public Management Before and After 9/11
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Instituto de Ciencia Política, 2005)
Judicial deference to administrative action - a revisionist history
(Editora Fórum e Editora FGV, 2017)
Judicial review of executive policymaking in advanced democracies: beyond rights review
The legitimacy of modern states depends on the ability of democratic institutions to reflect citizens’ preferences and values and on the state’s ability to use technical expertise competently. Legitimacy has a three-fold ...
Processos apuratórios relativos à conduta de servidor público federal
(EDUTFPRCuritibaBrasil, 2021)
Brazilian public administration: shaping and being shaped by governance and development
(Springer Singapore Pte Ltd, 2017-03)
This manuscript analyzes the changes in Brazilian public administration and its relation with governance and development trends in the country. The case of the environmental agencies is used to exemplify those changes in ...
The foundation of the academic field in Business and Administration in Brazil: the case of RAUSP
(Departamento de Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo, 2017-12-01)
The foundation of the academic field in Business and Administration in Brazil: The case of RAUSP: This work proposes an interpretation, based on a Social Constructionism approach, of the genesis of the Business Administration ...