Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 179
Exploring non-adiabatic approximations to the exchange-correlation functional of TDDFT
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018-09)
A decomposition of the exact exchange-correlation potential of time-dependent density functional theory into an interaction component and a kinetic component offers a new starting point for non-adiabatic approximations. ...
An adiabatic approximation to the path integral for relativistic fermionic fields
Cumulative effects in inflation with ultra-light entropy modes
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017)
In multi-field inflation one or more non-adiabatic modes may become light, potentially inducing large levels of isocurvature perturbations in the cosmic microwave background. If in addition these light modes are coupled ...
Adiabaticity and gravity theory independent conservation laws for cosmological perturbations
(Elsevier, 2016)
We carefully study the implications of adiabaticity for the behavior of cosmological perturbations. There are essentially three similar but different definitions of non-adiabaticity: one is appropriate for a thermodynamic ...
Galilean invariance of the Schrodinger equation in the adiabatic approximation: The central-field method
(American Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 1996)
Passage Time Statistics in Exponential Distributed Time-Delay Models: Noisy Asymptotic Dynamics
(Springer, 2014-04)
The stochastic dynamics toward the final attractor in exponential distributed timedelay non-linear models is presented, then the passage time statistic is studied analytically in the small noise approximation. The problem ...
An adiabatic approximation to the path integral for relativistic fermionic fieldsPHYSICS LETTERS BPHYS LETT B
Mass-imbalanced three-body systems in two dimensions
We consider three-body systems in two dimensions with zero-range interactions for general masses and interaction strengths. The momentum-space Schrödinger equation is solved numerically and in the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) ...