Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 368
Usual and dual-task gait adaptations under visual stimulation in older adults at different ages
Background: During the walk along the streets, older adults are exposed to various visual stimuli that can affect their gait in a harmful or beneficial way. Aims: To evaluate gait strategies during different situations ...
Age-related changes in gait adaptability in response to unpredictable obstacles and stepping targets
Background: A large proportion of falls in older people occur when walking. Limitations in gait adaptability might contribute to tripping; a frequently reported cause of falls in this group. Objective: To evaluate age-related ...
Adaptive walking in alzheimer's disease
The aim of this study is to analyze dual-task effects on free and adaptive gait in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Nineteen elders with AD participated in the study. A veteran neuropsychiatrist established the degree ...
Adaptive walking in alzheimer's disease
The aim of this study is to analyze dual-task effects on free and adaptive gait in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Nineteen elders with AD participated in the study. A veteran neuropsychiatrist established the degree ...
Gait Pattern Adaptation for an Active Lower-Limb Orthosis Based on Neural Networks
(VSP BV, 2011)
This work deals with neural network (NN)-based gait pattern adaptation algorithms for an active lower-limb orthosis. Stable trajectories with different walking speeds are generated during an optimization process considering ...
Evaluating the acute contributions of dopaminergic replacement to gait with obstacles in parkinson's disease
The influence of dopaminergic replacement (DR) on gait in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) is well documented. However, little is known about the acute effects of dopamine on more complex locomotor tasks that require ...
Step length synergy while crossing obstacles is weaker in patients with Parkinson's disease
Background: Impaired movement stability is a common symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD) that leads to falls and mishandled objects. Decline in synergistic stabilization of movement in PD patients has been observed in manual ...
Análise cinemática da marcha em indivíduos com Acidente Vascular Encefálico
Introduction. Gait becomes the individual independence for their daily activities. The functional deficit caused by central lesion as stroke, makes difficult this motor independence, mainly the locomotion. Objective. Analyze ...
Análise cinemática da marcha em indivíduos com Acidente Vascular Encefálico
Introduction. Gait becomes the individual independence for their daily activities. The functional deficit caused by central lesion as stroke, makes difficult this motor independence, mainly the locomotion. Objective. Analyze ...