Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 53
Controlador adaptativo backstepping a estrutura variável
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaAutomação e Sistemas; Engenharia de Computação; Telecomunicações, 2008-11-20)
Controlador adaptativo backstepping a estrutura variavel com Observadores de estado
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaAutomação e Sistemas; Engenharia de Computação; Telecomunicações, 2012-04-12)
This research aims at developing a variable structure adaptive backstepping controller
(VS-ABC) by using state observers for SISO (Single Input Single Output),
linear and time invariant systems with relative degree one. ...
Estudo de algoritmos backstepping para o controle de correntes e estimação da velocidade rotórica em motores de indução trifásicos
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEngenharia ElétricaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaCentro de Tecnologia, 2017-06-19)
This master dissertation presents the development of current control strategies and
the development of rotor speed observers using Backstepping algorithms. The Backstepping
algorithm is a recursive method used for ...
Robust mixed order backstepping control of non-linear systems
(Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2018-06-12)
Robust backstepping control of non-linear systems with derivation orders (commensurate or non-commensurate) lying at interval (0, 2) is proposed in this study. The stability and robustness properties are proved using a ...
A Backstepping control for Scara robot based on parametric uncertaintyControl Backstepping de un robot Scara con incertidumbre paramétrica
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2012)
A Backstepping control for Scara robot based on parametric uncertaintyControl Backstepping de un robot Scara con incertidumbre paramétrica
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2012)
Discrete-time adaptive neural backstepping
This chapter deals with adaptive tracking for a class of MIMO discrete-time nonlinear systems in presence of bounded disturbances. In this chapter, a high order neural network structure is used to approximate a control law ...
Controle Fuzzy adaptativo de sistemas não lineares incertos representados por modelos Takagi-Sugeno aplicado a um sistema de rotor duplo
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilENG - DEPARTAMENTO DE ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaUFMG, 2021-07-26)
In this dissertation, a new adaptive approximation approach based on the backstepping technique is proposed for the control of the pitch angle (SISO operating mode) of an electromechanical system known as Twin-Rotor MIMO ...
Neuro-adaptive tracking control of non-integer order systems with input nonlinearities and time-varying output constraints
This paper studies the design of neuro - adaptive tracking control schemes for non-integer order non-square systems subject to time-varying output constraints and input nonlin- earities. It should first be stated that by ...