Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 96
Experimental analysis of active-passive vibration control using viscoelastic materials and extension and shear piezoelectric actuators
Hybrid active-passive damping treatments combine the reliability, low cost and robustness of viscoelastic damping treatments and the high-performance, modal selective and adaptive piezoelectric active control. Numerous ...
On the assumed inherent stability of semi-active control systems
(Elsevier, 2018-03)
Vibration control systems are usually classified into: passive, active and semi-active. Semi-active control systems are based on formerly passive mechanical devices, such as springs and dampers, whose characteristics are ...
RLC passive damped LCL single-phase voltage source inverter with capability to operate in grid-connected and islanded modes: design and control strategy
A design procedure for an RLC damping branch applied at a voltage source inverter followed by an LCL output filter is carried out in this paper. The main purpose of the proposed methodology is to allow the system to operate ...
Implementation of a Power Hardware In-The-Loop Platform Using the Damping Impedance Method
(IEEE, 2020)
This paper presents the practical implementation of a PHIL simulation platform using the damping impedance method. To be successful this requires the identification of the impedance of the hardware under test. We use an ...
Application of the modified IDA-PBC for shunt active power filters control
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2016-09)
The design of a passivity-based nonlinear controller for a shunt active power filter to be used for the compensation of harmonic currents consumed by nonlinear loads is presented in this paper. The main objective of designed ...
Controle robusto de inversores VSI com filtro LCL aplicados a geração distribuída, com controle da injeção de potências ativa e reativa na rede de distribuição em baixa tensão e capacidade de operação ilhada em ambiente de microrredes
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016-06-02)
Os inversores fonte de tensão com filtro de saída LCL (VSI+LCL) são amplamente utilizados em sistemas de geração distribuída. Nestas aplicações o sistema é controlado como uma fonte de corrente, no entanto, há a possibilidade ...
On elimination of chaotic behavior in a non-ideal portal frame structural system, using both passive and active controls
In this paper, an application is considered of both active and passive controls, to suppression of chaotic behavior of a simple portal frame, under the excitation of an unbalanced DC motor, with limited power supply ...
On elimination of chaotic behavior in a non-ideal portal frame structural system, using both passive and active controls
In this paper, an application is considered of both active and passive controls, to suppression of chaotic behavior of a simple portal frame, under the excitation of an unbalanced DC motor, with limited power supply ...
Inversores fotovoltaicos trifásicos não isolados conectados à rede com técnicas para redução da corrente de fuga
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEngenharia ElétricaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaCentro de Tecnologia, 2018-12-18)
This doctoral dissertation presents contributions related to transformerless grid-connected
three-phase photovoltaic systems, focusing on the leakage current reduction. Among the
leakage current reduction techniques, the ...
Contribuição ao controle de inversores PWM alimentados em tensão conectados à rede através de filtro-LCL
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREngenharia ElétricaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2008-03-28)
This dissertation deals with the design of a robust current control loop applied to voltage source inverters connected to the grid thought LCL-filter used in distributed generation systems. The utilization of the LCL-filter ...