Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1653
Effect of acid-ethanol treatment followed by ball milling on structural and physicochemical characteristics of cassava starch
(Wiley-v C H Verlag Gmbh, 2010-05-01)
Structural and physicochemical characteristics of cassava starch treated with 0.36% HCl in anhydrous ethanol during 1 and 12 h at 30, 40, and 50 degrees C followed by ball milling for 1 h were analyzed. Average yield of ...
Effect of acid-ethanol treatment followed by ball milling on structural and physicochemical characteristics of cassava starch
(Wiley-v C H Verlag Gmbh, 2014)
A dual mechanism fully blocks ethanol relapse: Role of vagal innervation
Previous studies showed that vagotomy markedly inhibits alcohol self-administration. Present studies hypothesised that vagotomy significantly adds to the inhibition of alcohol relapse induced by drugs that reduce the ...
Emprego do etanol como substituto ou adjuvante do ácido sulfúrico no tratamento das células em fermentação alcoólica contaminada por Lactobacillus fermentum
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Produção Vegetal e Bioprocessos Associados - PPGPVBA-ArCâmpus Araras, 2019-05-31)
Bacterial contamination is one of the major factors to cause decrease in the fermentative efficiency in the process of bioethanol production. To control the growth of bacterial contaminants, Brazilian industries utilize ...
Characterization of the pre-treated biomass of Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) for the second generation ethanol production
Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth), is considered an aquatic pest. An alternative to solve the excess water hyacinth problem is to use the biomass for second generation ethanol. This process can be divided into: collection ...
Modulation of cytochrome P450 activity in the kidney of rats following long-term red wine exposure
Cytochrome P450 (CYP)-dependent oxidation of lauric acid, p-nitrophenol and ethanol by microsomal fractions of kidney were studied in control rats and in animals given either ethanol, red wine, or alcohol-free red wine for ...
Effect of acid-ethanol treatment followed by ball milling on structural and physicochemical characteristics of cassava starch
(Wiley-v C H Verlag Gmbh, 2010-05-01)
Structural and physicochemical characteristics of cassava starch treated with 0.36% HCl in anhydrous ethanol during 1 and 12 h at 30, 40, and 50 degrees C followed by ball milling for 1 h were analyzed. Average yield of ...
Sugarcane straw as feedstock for 2G ethanol: Evaluation of pretreatments and enzymatic hydrolysis
(Elsevier B.V., 2019-12-15)
The potential of sugarcane straw (SCS) as feedstock for 2G ethanol production was investigated. Three different pretreatments (hydrothermal, ultrasound and acid) and the enzymatic hydrolysis of SCS were evaluated. Pretreated ...
Modulation of rat liver cytochrome P450 activity by prolonged red wine consumption
Cytochrome P450-dependent oxidation of lauric acid, p-nitrophenol and ethanol by liver microsomal fractions were studied in control rats and in animals given either ethanol, red wine, or alcohol-free red wine for 10 weeks. ...