Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 33
Report of two events of nosocomial outbreak and pseudo-outbreak due to contamination with Achromobacter spp.Comunicación de 2 eventos de brote y seudobrote nosocomial debido a contaminación con Achromobacter spp.
(Asociación Argentina de Microbiología, 2022-01-07)
Achromobacter spp. son reconocidas con mayor frecuencia como patógenos emergentes en pacientes con fibrosis quística e inmunodeprimidos, pero son inusuales en hospedadores inmunocompetentes o quirúrgicos. En este estudio ...
Characterization of two Achromobacter xylosoxidans isolates from patients with pertussis-like symptoms
(Elsevier B.V., 2015-05-20)
Objective: To characterize two Achromobacter xylosoxidans recovered from 2 patients diagnosed with pertussis during a Bordetella pertussis surveillance program. Methods: Nasopharyngeal swabs from 2 children under 1 year ...
Producción de semilla pre - básica de papa por aeroponía, influenciado por microorganismos radiculares: Actinomyces spp., Bacillus spp., Achromobacter sp. Y Pseudomonas sp.
(Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru, 2011)
Un factor limitante en la producción de papa es la escasez de tubérculo semilla de papa libre de patógenos; por lo tanto, es necesario encontrar nuevas alternativas de producción de tubérculo semilla en forma eficiente. ...
Characterisation of OXA-258 enzymes and AxyABM efflux pump in Achromobacter ruhlandii
(Elsevier Ltd, 2018-09)
Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterise OXA-258 variants and other features that may contribute to carbapenem resistance in Achromobacter ruhlandii. Methods: Kinetic parameters for purified OXA-258a and ...
Diversity of Achromobacter species recovered from patients with Cystic Fibrosis, in ArgentinaDiversidad de las especies de Achromobacter recuperadas de pacientes con fibrosis quística en Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Microbiología, 2019-05)
Different phenotype-based techniques and molecular tools were used to describe the distribution of different Achromobacter species in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) in Argentina, and to evaluate their antibiotic ...
Presence of OXA-Type Enzymes in Achromobacter insuavis and A. dolens
(Springer, 2014-10)
The accurate species identification of Achromobacter isolates is difficult and the clinical isolates of this genus are mostly referred as A. xylosoxidans. Here, we report new OXA variants in 2 isolates identified as A. ...
Effect of temperature on microcystin-LR removal and lysis activity on Microcystis aeruginosa (cyanobacteria) by an indigenous bacterium belonging to the genus Achromobacter
(Springer Heidelberg, 2020-08)
Microcystis is a frequent cyanobacterium bloom-forming with cosmopolitan distribution which can produce a hepatotoxin group called microcystins (MCs). These MCs are resistant to the traditional processes employed in the ...
Full Characterization of Plasmids from Achromobacter ruhlandii Isolates Recovered from a Single Patient with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)Caracterización completa de plásmidos provenientes de aislamientos de Achromobacter ruhlandii recuperados de un único paciente con fibrosis quística
(Asociación Argentina de Microbiología, 2021-08)
Durante la última década, Achromobacter spp. han sido asociadas con la colonización crónica en pacientes con fibrosis quística. Si bien Achromobacter xylosoxidans es la especie más frecuentemente recuperada, otras especies ...