Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1683
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2016)
Technical and economic implications of fatal accidents in peruvian miningImplicancias técnicas y económicas de los accidentes mortales en la minería peruana
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera, Metalúrgica y Geográfica, 2015)
Work accidents and automatic circuit reclosers in the electricity sector: beyond the immediate causes
(Cadernos Saude Publica, 2018-01-01)
The Brazilian electricity sector has recorded high work-related mortality rates that have been associated with outsourcing, used to cut costs. In order to decrease the power outage time for consumers, the industry adopted ...
Análise de acidentes fatais na indústria da construção civil do estado de Pernambuco
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2008-12-09)
One of the current themes within industry, particularly in civil construction, due to its dynamism, is how to minimize accidents, being fatal or otherwise, because in the event of
these happening, it can be very costly. ...
Análise de acidentes fatais na indústria da construção civil do estado de Pernambuco
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2008-12-09)
One of the current themes within industry, particularly in civil construction, due to its dynamism, is how to minimize accidents, being fatal or otherwise, because in the event of
these happening, it can be very costly. ...
Impactos dos acidentes em barragens de rejeito de mineração: uma revisão histórica
(Instituto de GeociênciasUFBABrasil, 2018-10-25)
ABSTRACT - The aim of this study is to critically analyse the data of accidents with mining tailing dams,
acquired from 148 scientific articles, 11 technical reports, and 4 databases available online
(Supplementary ...
Operational safety: Development of electronic system for dynamic balance evaluation of farm tractors
The present study aimed at the development and evaluation of a low cost electronic device in order to provide safety for farm tractor users. The major accident occurrence in agricultural surroundings is from farm tractor ...
Operational safety: Development of electronic system for dynamic balance evaluation of farm tractors
The present study aimed at the development and evaluation of a low cost electronic device in order to provide safety for farm tractor users. The major accident occurrence in agricultural surroundings is from farm tractor ...