Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1936
Discourse genres in academic sphere: dialogic reverberationsOs gêneros do discurso na esfera acadêmica: reverberações dialógicas
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)
Quasi-interpolation on the 2-sphere using radial polynomials
(Academic Press IncSan DiegoEUA, 2000)
Sharp estimates for eigenvalues of integral operators generated by dot product kernels on the sphere
(Academic PressElsevierSan Diego, 2014-01)
We obtain explicit formulas for the eigenvalues of integral operators generated by continuous dot product kernels defined on the sphere via the usual gamma function. Using them, we present both, a procedure to
describe ...
Spherical particles of zirconia-titania of hexagonal structure from a neutral amine route
(Academic Press IncSan DiegoEUA, 1999)
Differentiability of bizonal positive definite kernels on complex spheres
(Academic PressElsevierSan Diego, 2014-04-01)
We prove that any continuous function with domain {z ∈ C: |z| ≤ 1} that generates a bizonal positive definite kernel on the unit sphere in 'C POT.Q' , q ⩾ 3, is continuously differentiable in {z ∈ C: |z| < 1} up to order ...
The textual production in the academic sphere: challenges concerning the act of saying materialized in secondary discourse genresA produção textual na esfera acadêmica: desafios concernentes ao ato de dizer materializados em gêneros do discurso secundários
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017)
Effects of self-assembly process of latex spheres on the final topology of macroporous silica
(Elsevier B.V., 2005-11-15)
This paper surveys the topology of macroporous silica prepared using latex templates covering the submicrometric range (0.1-0.7 mu m). The behavior of latex spheres in aqueous dispersion has been analyzed by dynamic light ...
Effects of self-assembly process of latex spheres on the final topology of macroporous silica
(Elsevier B.V., 2005-11-15)
This paper surveys the topology of macroporous silica prepared using latex templates covering the submicrometric range (0.1-0.7 mu m). The behavior of latex spheres in aqueous dispersion has been analyzed by dynamic light ...
Dimensões cruzadas: escritas de universitários como apresentações discursivas na esfera ideológica acadêmicaCrossed dimensions: undergraduates’writings as discursive presentations in the academic-ideological sphere
(Editora da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, 2017)
Weighted Fourier–Laplace transforms in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces on the sphere
(Academic PressElsevierSan Diego, 2014-03-15)
We study the action of a weighted Fourier–Laplace transform on the functions in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) associated with a positive definite kernel on the sphere. After defining a notion of smoothness ...