Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 212
Lifespan method as a tool to study criticality in absorbing-state phase transitions
(Physical Review E, 2018)
Absorbing state transition in a one-dimensional contact replication process
(Physical Review E, 2018)
Phase transitions with infinitely many absorbing states in complex networks
(Physical Review E, 2018)
Continuous and discontinuous absorbing-state phase transitions on Voronoi-Delaunay random lattices
(Physical Review E, 2018)
Dynamics of a first-order transition to an absorbing state
(American Physical Society, 2014)
Agranular system confined in a quasi-two-dimensional box that is vertically vibrated can transit to an absorbing
state in which all particles bounce vertically in phase with the box, with no horizontal motion. In principle, ...
Dynamics of a first-order transition to an absorbing state
Dynamics of a first-order transition to an absorbing state
Dynamics of a first-order transition to an absorbing state
Activated Random Walks on Zd*
(Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2020-10)
Some stochastic systems are particularly interesting as they exhibit critical behavior without fine-tuning of a parameter, a phenomenon called self-organized criticality. In the context of driven-dissipative steady states, ...
From conformal invariance to quasistationary states
(Institute of Physics - IOPBristol, 2011-09)
In a conformal invariant one-dimensional stochastic model, a certain nonlocal perturbation takes the system to a new massless phase of a special kind. The ground-state of the system is an adsorptive state. Part of the ...