Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 35
Forest management tables
(Forestry Commission, 2018)
Preservative treatments for constructional timber
(Building Research Establishment, 2018)
Softwoods of North America
(USDA Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory, 2018)
Timber for joinery
(Building Research Establishment, 2018)
Timbers: their natural durability and resistance to preventive treatment
(Building Research Establishment, 2018)
The silviculture of trees used in british forestry
(CAB International Silverplatter Information, 2018)
Abies jaliscana (Pinaceae): A new combination in section Grandis and a key to the species of Abies in western Mexico
Recent morphological and phenological data support recognition of Abies jaliscana (Martínez) Mantilla, A. Vázquez & Shalisko at the species level. A key to distinguish A. jaliscana from other species of Abies in western ...