Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 55
Boschi di conifere montani. Indirizzi selvicolturali
(Blu Edizioni, 2018)
Natura & natura: l'imballaggio di legno per prodotti ortofrutticoli
(Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste, 2018)
Mixed stands reduce abies alba tree-ring sensitivity to summer drought in the vosges mountains, western europe
Preservative treatments for constructional timber
(Building Research Establishment, 2018)
Changes in environmental controls on the growth of Abies alba Mill. in the Vosges Mountains, north-eastern France, during the 20th century
(WILEY, 2007)
Aim To analyse the radial growth of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in north-eastern France in relation to soil, climate and interspecific competition factors and to check the temporal stability of their effects during the ...
Timber for joinery
(Building Research Establishment, 2018)
Les arbres de nos forests
(Direction de l'Espace Rural et de la Forêt, 2018)