Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14
Design of the austempering heat treatment of a ductile iron differential case aided by computer simulation
(Latin Amer J Solids Structures, 2018-06)
Austempered ductile iron is frequently employed in the fabrication of automobile parts due to its good mechanical properties, and its simplicity and low cost of the manufacturing process. The heat treatment design is an ...
Austempering heat treatment of ductile iron: Computational simulation and experimental validation
(Elsevier Science, 2017-10)
The three-step austempering heat treatment of ductile iron parts in this paper is simulated by employing a coupled thermo-mechanical-metallurgical model. The thermo-mechanical formulation is solved in the macroscale using ...
Analysis of different approaches to model the austempering heat treatment of ductile irons
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2020-11)
Austempered ductile iron is a metallic alloy of technological interest. Currently, the part design is added by means of simulations performed by using different types of models. This work aims at comparing three models ...
Caracterização mecânica e microestrutural do SAE D-5506 austemperado em diferentes temperaturas de tratamento térmico
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato BrancoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de MecânicaEngenharia MecânicaUTFPR, 2019-11-27)
Austempered ductile iron has been the object of study by researchers for showing comparative advantages with many competing materials, mainly with respect to its similar or superior mechanical properties, such as when ...
Influence of nodule count on residual stresses and distortion in thin wall ductile iron plates of different matrices
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2009-05)
Surface characteristics of thin wall ductile iron (TWDI) parts, such as residual stresses, distortion and dimensional changes produced during casting and heat treatment, are relevant variables when it comes to production ...
Production and heat treatment of cast graphitic steels with additions of niobium
The optimal combination of the mechanical characteristics of austempered spheroidal graphitic cast steel together with modern casting techniques yielded an economically promising product. The maximum potential of the usage ...
Production and heat treatment of cast graphitic steels with additions of niobium
The optimal combination of the mechanical characteristics of austempered spheroidal graphitic cast steel together with modern casting techniques yielded an economically promising product. The maximum potential of the usage ...
Ultrafast Heating of Advanced High Strength Steels
The ultrafast heating (UFH) of steels has come increasingly under the spotlight over the last two decades. The promising developments of ultrafast heated steels stem from the short times involved during the thermal treatment ...