Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 503
Asymptotics for eigenvalues of the Laplacian in higher dimensional periodically perforated domains
This paper considers the periodic spectral problem associated with the Laplace operator written in RN (N = 3, 4, 5)
periodically perforated by balls, and with homogeneous Dirichlet condition on the boundary of holes. We ...
Asymptotic Skewness in Exponential Family Nonlinear Models
In this article, we give an asymptotic formula of order n(-1/2), where n is the sample size, for the skewness of the distributions of the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters in exponencial family nonlinear models. ...
Asymptotic Equivalence of Evolution Equations Governed by Cocoercive Operators and Their Forward Discretizations
(Springer New York LLC, 2019)
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.The purpose of this work is to study discrete approximations of evolution equations governed by cocoercive operators by means of Euler iterations, both ...
Global asymptotic stability of solutions of cubic stochastic difference equations
Global almost sure asymptotic stability of solutions of some nonlinear stochastic difference equations with cubic-type main part in their drift and diffusive part driven by square-integrable martingale differences is proven ...
Asymptotic power of sphericity tests for high-dimensional data
(Inst Mathematical Statistics, 2013-06)
This paper studies the asymptotic power of tests of sphericity against perturbations in a single unknown direction as both the dimensionality of the data and the number of observations go to infinity. We establish the ...
Local power and size properties of the LR, Wald, score and gradient tests in dispersion models
We derive asymptotic expansions for the nonnull distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, score and gradient test statistics in the class of dispersion models, under a sequence of Pitman alternatives. The ...
Asymptotic behavior of the scaled mutation rate estimators
(Wiley-v C H Verlag GmbhWeinheimAlemanha, 2010)
Likelihood ratio tests for variance components in linear mixed models
Although the asymptotic distributions of the likelihood ratio for testing hypotheses of null variance components in linear mixed models derived by Stram and Lee [1994. Variance components testing in longitudinal mixed ...
Growth pattern of the sea urchin, Loxechinus albus (Molina, 1782) in southern Chile: Evaluation of growth models
(Springer, 2010-05)
The growth pattern of Loxechinus albus in southern Chile was studied using size-at-age data obtained by reading growth bands on the genital plates. The scatter plots of sizes-at-age for samples collected in three different ...
Asymptotic skewness in Birnbaum-Saunders nonlinear regression models
The family of distributions proposed by Birnbaum and Saunders (1969) can be used to model lifetime data and it is widely applicable to model failure times of fatiguing materials. We give a simple matrix formula of order ...