Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27882
Clasificación de Activo y Pasivo
The elements that make up a Balance Sheet are duly organized and classified to give gacility to reading and understanding the information in such a way that the training and evaluation of the organization in terms of its ...
Long-lived Collateralized Assets and Bubbles
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2008)
When infinite-lived agents trade long-lived assets secured by durable
goods, equilibrium exists without any additional debt constraints or
uniform impatience conditions on agents' characteristics. Also,
regardless of ...
Long-lived collateralized assets and bubbles
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2011-05)
When infinite-lived agents trade long-lived assets secured by durable goods, equilibrium exists without any additional debt constraints or uniform impatience conditions on agents' characteristics. Also, price bubbles are ...
The Balance Sheet and the Assets-Claims on Assets Relationship in the Axiomatic Method
The purpose of this study is to analyze the set structure of the balance sheet and assets-claims on assets relationship, considering the dual concept of monetary units, the axiomatic theory and accountingspecific axioms. ...
The Assets-Claims on Assets Equivalence in the Axiomatic Method
The purpose of the study is to analyze the assets-claims on assets equivalence based on the dual concept of monetary units and the axiomatic method. The methodology is analytical, rationalistic and deductive; it uses ...
Asset-based and asset-backed sukuk: structure and legitimacy
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
The Dual Aspects of Accounting Transaction and the Assets-Claims on Assets Equality in Axiomatic Theory
The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure of the financial statements´ balance sheet and the dual aspects of accounting transactions from the viewpoint of axiomatic theory showing the relationship between assets ...
Assets Profile - 13 AssetsPerfil das assets: 13 assets
(FGV-EAESP-GVCef, 2013)
Fatores explicativos do reconhecimento de ativos fiscais recuperáveis, diferidos e litigiosos: um estudo em empresas do ramo de agronegócios
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-04-27)
The study examines the factors of tax assets recognition. The objective is to identify these factors in agribusiness companies. Previous studies, some focusing on deferred tax assets, identified as a factor: leverage, ...
Fatores explicativos do reconhecimento de ativos fiscais recuperáveis, diferidos e litigiosos: um estudo em empresas do ramo de agronegócios
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-04-27)
The study examines the factors of tax assets recognition. The objective is to identify these factors in agribusiness companies. Previous studies, some focusing on deferred tax assets, identified as a factor: leverage, ...