Mostrando ítems 1-2 de 2
Diversification of Asaphellus Callaway, 1877 (Asaphidae: Trilobita) during the Tremadocian in South West Gondwana (Cordillera Oriental, Argentina)
(Publications Scientifiques Du Museum, 2015-02)
Asaphellus Callaway, 1877 is the earliest widespread genus of the family Asaphidae Burmeister, 1843, and although its systematics bears several problematic issues, an input to overcome these difficulties has been attempted. ...
Reassessment of the Order Trinucleida (Trilobita)
(Cambridge University Press, 2020-02)
Trinucleoids have been considered as a superfamily of the Order Asaphida, based on: a pre-occipital glabellar tubercle, a cephalic median suture in most ancestral forms, and the presence of broadly similar globular protaspid ...