Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 108
Institutional aspects of development Argentine: convergences, conflicts and opportunitiesAspectos institucionales del desarrollo argentino: convergencias, conflictos y oportunidades
(Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, 2019)
Computing turning point monthly probability of the argentine economy according to the leading index. 1973-2000
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2000-12)
Two indicators of the Argentinean economic cycle prove to be useful for economic
forecasts, the leading and coincident indexes. The former points out the
level of economic activity monthly. The latter anticipates the ...
Challenging a money doctor: Raúl Prebisch vs Sir Otto Niemeyer on the creation of the Argentine Central Bank
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2018-11-20)
The Central Bank of Argentina began its activities in May 1935 surrounded by controversy. The Bank was created as a result of a mission led by the expert from the Bank of England, Sir Otto Niemeyer. The foreign involvement ...
Old Cycles and New Vulnerabilities: Financial Deregulation and the Argentine Crisis
(Blackwell Publishing, 2021-05)
After returning to financial markets in 2016, Argentina asked for IMF financing in 2018 and defaulted on its peso-denominated short-term debt in 2019. This article describes this latest short-lived cycle of external ...
Conflictividad laboral y reapropiación del lugar de trabajo
El desarrollo económico argentino de la última década incentivó la expansión del mercado de trabajo y posibilitó resituar a las organizaciones sindicales como sujetos políticos significativos dando muestra de cierta capacidad ...
Monetary policy and asymmetries in the Argentine business cyclePOLÍTICA MONETARIA Y ASIMETRÍAS EN LOS CICLOS ECONÓMICOS DE LA ARGENTINA
Portrait of the economist as a young man: Raúl Prebisch's evolving views on the business cycle and money, 1919-1949
This paper analyses Raúl Prebisch's lesser-known contributions to economic theory, related to the business cycle and heavily informed by the Argentine experience. His views of the cycle emphasize the common nature of the ...
Integración financiera y crisis de balance de pagos en la globalización financiera temprana : la experiencia argentina 1820-1890
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2020-09)
El vínculo entre las condiciones de liquidez internacional, la deuda y las crisis en los países periféricos ha atraído la atención de la literatura económica e historiográfica desde hace varias décadas. Haciendo uso de una ...
Ciclos de globalización, modelos de crecimiento económico y paradigmas de política exterior : el caso argentino (1862-2006)
(Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2010)
The monetary crisis, dollarization and the exchange rate
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate on stabilization policies in conditions of high inflation in the light of the experience of Brazil and some other countries, especially the European monetary crises ...