Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 122
Decision support model for assessing aquifer pollution hazard and prioritizing groundwater resources management in the wet Pampa plain, Argentina
(Springer, 2013-03)
This paper gives an account of the implementation of a decision support system for assessing aquifer pollution hazard and prioritizing subwatersheds for groundwater resources management in the southeastern Pampa plain of ...
Methodological contribution to evaluate the contamination hazard of groundwaterContribuição metodológica à estimativa do perigo de contaminação das águas subterrâneas
Due to increase in the number of contaminated areas, which compromise the groundwater quality and constitute risks to human health, it is essential to establish instruments for land use planning and management, aiming at ...
Assessing groundwater pollution hazard changes under different socio-economic and environmental scenarios in an agricultural watershed
(Elsevier Science, 2015-05)
This paper proposes a modeling approach for assessing changes in groundwater pollution hazard under two different socio-economic and environmental scenarios: The first one considers an exponential growth of agriculture ...
Multi-criteria decision model for assessing groundwater pollution risk in the urban-rural interface of Mar del Plata City (Argentina)
(Springer, 2019-06)
In developing countries, conflict between the objectives of environmental policies and those focused on economic development, a low availability of human resources and infrastructure, and the lack of continuity and incentives, ...
Conjunctive water resources management in densely urbanized karst areas: a study in the Sete Lagoas region, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilIGC - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOGRAFIAUFMG, 2019)
Sociedade e gestão do risco: o aquífero Guarani em Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brasil
Contemporary society creates risks of all kinds, changing the meaning of this term. Although it may be associated with natural hazards, it gradually assumes a stronger relation with human actions, especially due to the use ...
Assessment of groundwater exploitation and land subsidence development in the Toluca aquifer system, Mexico
(Institute for Groundwater Research, University of Guelph, 2020)
Groundwater resources and recharge processes in the Western Andean Front of Central Chile
(ELSEVIER, 2020)
In Central Chile, the increment of withdrawals together with drought conditions has exposed the poor understanding of the regional hydrogeological system. In this study, we addressed theWestern Andean Front hydrogeology ...
Contribuição metodológica à estimativa da vulnerabilidade natural e perigo de contaminação de aquíferos livres granulares
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-04-10)
Diante da importância das águas subterrâneas para os diversos usos, particularmente o abastecimento público, e considerando os crescentes impactos nas reservas subterrâneas decorrentes de superexplotação, bem como a ...
Natural vulnerability and contamination hazard of the Dunas Aquifer System in the northern region of the Municipality of Aquiraz, CearáVulnerabilidade natural e perigo de contaminação do Sistema Aquífero Dunas na região norte do Município de Aquiraz, Ceará
(Instituto Geológico, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, 2018)