Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 29
Biomechanical properties of anuran long bones: correlations with locomotor modes and habitat use
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2020-02)
Long bones are subjected to mechanical loads during locomotion that will influence their biomechanical properties through a feedback mechanism (the bone mechanostat). This mechanism adapts the spatial distribution of the ...
Morphological Variation in Anuran Limbs: Constraints and Novelties
(Wiley-liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2017-09)
Anurans have three primary types of locomotion: walking, jumping, and swimming. Additionally, they may dig, climb, grasp, etc. All adult anurans have four limbs, with four fingers on the hands and five toes on the feet. ...
Anuran Locomotion: Ontogeny and Morphological Variation of a Distinctive Set of Muscles
(Springer, 2014-01)
Adult morphological variation of muscles originating on the iliac shaft (M. iliacus externus, M. internus, and tensor fasciae latae) and vertebrae (M. longissimus dorsi, M. coccygeosacralis, and M. coccygeoiliacus) that ...
The influence of locomotion and habitat use on tendo-muscular units of an anuran clade (Anura, Diphyabatrachia)
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2020-01)
Tendons have unique mechanical properties, contributing to the transmission, amplification, and recycling of muscle energy. In this light, anuran tendons are especially interesting due to their highly mechanically demanding ...
Evolution of tendon shape in an anuran clade and its relation to size, phylogeny and locomotion
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-11)
Most anatomical specializations related to anuran jumping have been observed in pelvic girdle and hindlimbs, which are characterized by its fused caudal vertebrae and elongated hindlimbs. Still, despite of a greatly ...
Moving forwards, sideways and up in the air: observations on the locomotion of semiterrestrial tadpoles (Cycloramphidae)
(Oxford Univ Press, 2022-03-14)
Semiterrestrial tadpoles live on wet rock surfaces and have evolved independently in at least seven anuran families. They have a flat venter, laterally compressed keratinized jaws and elongated, largely finless tails. When ...
Walk before you jump: New insights on early frog locomotion from the oldest known salientian
(Paleontological Society, 2016-11)
Understanding the evolution of a Bauplan starts with discriminating phylogenetic signal from adaptation and the latter from exaptation in the observed biodiversity. Whether traits have predated, accompanied, or followed ...
Tendinous framework of anurans reveals an all-purpose morphology
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2018-02)
Tendons are directly associated with movement, amplifying power and reducing muscular work. Taking into account habitat and locomotor challenges faced by anurans, we identify the more conspicuous superficial tendons of a ...
Frog tendon structure and its relationship with locomotor modes
(Wiley-liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2018-03)
Tendon collagen fibrils are the basic force‐transmitting units of the tendon. Yet, surprisingly little is known about the diversity in tendon anatomy and ultrastructure, and the possible relationships between this diversity ...
Variation in brain anatomy in frogs and its possible bearing on their locomotor ecology
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-07)
Despite the long-standing interest in the evolution of the brain, relatively little is known about variation in brain anatomy in frogs. Yet, frogs are ecologically diverse and, as such, variation in brain anatomy linked ...