Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 102
The South American retroarc foreland system: The development of the Bauru Basin in the back-bulge province
(Elsevier B.V., 2016-05-01)
The aim of this research is to understand the tectonic setting of the Bauru Basin. This basin in central eastern South America has been classified as intracratonic, but the basin-fill geometry, the involved subsidence ...
Tracing the volcanic and tectonic effects of the Miocene Andean stage along the Patagonian retroarc: an example of the Río Negro system, Argentina
(University of Hamburg, 2019)
The Río Negro River system constitutes a drainage network located at the North Patagonian Region (45°S) that connected the Andes with the Atlantic Ocean through more than 600 km long. This corridor is one of the systems ...
Lake formation, characteristics, and evolution in retroarc deposystems: A synthesis of the modern Andean orogen and its associated basins
Lake deposystems are commonly associated with retroarc mountain belts in the geological record. These deposystems are poorly characterized in modern retroarcs, placing limits on our ability to interpret environmental signals ...
Retroarc volcanism in the northern San Rafael Block (34°-35°30′S), southern Central Andes: Occurrence, age, and tectonic setting
(Elsevier Science, 2009-10)
One of the major retroarc volcanic provinces in the southern Central Andes (34° and 37°S) is developed in the Andean foothills of the San Rafael region between the orogenic front and foreland basement uplifts of Late Miocene ...
A Toarcian retro-arc basin of Central Patagonia (Chubut), Argentina: Middle Jurassic closure,arc migration and tectonic setting
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2007)
Upper Plate Controls on the Formation of Broken Foreland Basins in the Andean Retroarc Between 26°S and 28°S: From Cretaceous Rifting to Paleogene and Miocene Broken Foreland Basins
(American Geophysical Union, 2020-06)
Marked along-strike changes in stratigraphy, mountain belt morphology, basement exhumation, and deformation styles characterize the Andean retroarc; these changes have previously been related to spatiotemporal variations ...
Contemporary stress orientations from borehole breakout analysis in the southernmost flat-slab boundary Andean retroarc (32°44' and 33°40'S)
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2009-02)
Horizontal stress directions have been determined in the southernmost flat-slab boundary Andean retroarc between 32°44' and 33°40'S within Cuyo Basin, Argentina. These directions were obtained from the borehole breakout ...
Crustal seismicity in the Andean Precordillera of Argentina using seismic broadband data
(Elsevier Science, 2020-07)
In this study, we analyze 100 crustal Precordilleran earthquakes recorded in 2008 and 2009 by 52 broadbandseismic stations from the SIEMBRA and ESP, two temporary experiments deployed in the Pampeanflat slabregion, between ...
Miocene fragmentation of the Central Andean foreland basins between 26 and 28°S
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-10)
We present new U-Pb LA-ICP-MS data from the Central Andean foreland basins combined with new and published stratigraphic information in order to reconstruct the Miocene fragmentation of the Andean foreland between 26 and ...