Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 415
First Report on the Plasmidome From a High-Altitude Lake of the Andean Puna
(Frontiers Media SA, 2020-06)
Mobile genetic elements, including plasmids, drive the evolution of prokaryotic genomes through the horizontal transfer of genes allowing genetic exchange between bacteria. Moreover, plasmids carry accessory genes, which ...
New record of the Andean cat in the Puna of Jujuy province, north-western Argentina
(International Union for Conservation of Nature. Species Survival Commission. Cat Specialist Group, 2017-04)
In the last decade, there has been a remarkable growth in the knowledge of thehabits and behaviour of the Andean Cat Leopardus jacobita. This cat is mainly restrictedto the Andean highlands. Most of the records from ...
Haloarchaea from the Andean Puna: Biological Role in the Energy Metabolism of Arsenic
(Springer, 2018-10)
Biofilms, microbial mats, and microbialites dwell under highly limiting conditions (high salinity, extreme aridity, pH, and elevated arsenic concentration) in the Andean Puna. Only recent pioneering studies have described ...
Nuevos registros de distribución para Gallareta Andina (Fulica ardesiaca), Pato Puneño (Anas puna), Pato Zambullidor Grande (Oxyura ferruginea) y Cuervillo Puneño (Plegadis ridgwayi), en el Embalse La Angostura, Tafí del Valle, TucumánNew distribution records for the American Coot (Fulica ardesiaca), the Puna Teal (Anas puna), the Andean Ruddy Duck (Oxyura ferruginea), and the Puna Ibis (Plegadis ridgwayi), in the Angostura Dam, Tafí del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina
(Fundación Miguel Lillo, 2008-12)
Distribution records for four species of birds are reported from studies carried out between 2004 and 2005 at La Angostura Dam (26º55'S, 65º41'W). The species are known to inhabit lakes, lagoons, pools, marshes and streams, ...
Does the topographic distribution of the central Andean Puna Plateau result from climatic or geodynamic processes?
(Geological Society of America, 2009-07)
Orogenic plateaus are extensive, high-elevation areas with low internal relief that have been attributed to deep-seated and/or climate-driven surface processes. In the latter case, models predict that lateral plateau growth ...
Trophic preferences in an assemblage of mammal herbivores from Andean Puna (Northern Chile)
Bird Diversity and Its Relationship with Habitat Characteristics in High Andean PeatbogsDiversidad de aves y su relación con las características del hábitat en vegas de los altos Andes
(Sociedad Española de Ornitología, 2017-07)
High Andean peatbogs are key functional wetlands in the dry Puna region and essential in conserving local biodiversity, including bird communities. We surveyed the bird communities of 18 peatbogs in the Argentinean Puna ...
Symbols, Offerings, and Metallic Goods from the Puna and Quebrada de Humahuaca, Northwestern Argentina
(Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, 2018-09-01)
This chapter addresses precious objects from the Puna and Quebrada de Humahuaca of northwestern Argentina, examining collections of metallic objects to determine their technological and iconographic characteristics, as ...
Plant community variation across a puna landscape in the Chilean Andes
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2006)