Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 379
Alternaria in Food: Ecophysiology, Mycotoxin Production and Toxicology
(Korean Society of Mycology, 2015-06-30)
Alternaria species are common saprophytes or pathogens of a wide range of plants pre- and post-harvest. This review considers the relative importance of Alternaria species, their ecology, competitiveness, production of ...
Potato and Tomato Early Blight: Molecular identification of Alternaria species, host range and epidemicsPinta preta da batateira e do tomateiro: Identificação molecular das espécies de Alternaria gama de hospedeiro e epidemia
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBREtiologia; Epidemiologia; ControleDoutorado em FitopatologiaUFV, 2015)
El género Alternaria (Hyphomycetes, Deuteromicotina) en Cuba
El estudio taxonómico de especies del género Alternaria Nees ex Fries encontrados en Cuba es señalado. Este género es de gran interés práctico porque la mayoría de sus especies son patógenos más o menos severos de diferentes ...
Toxigenic profile of Alternaria alternata and Alternaria infectoria occurring on wheat
(Soc Brasileira Microbiologia, 2013-06)
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the ability to produce alternariol, alternariol monomethyl ether AME and TA by A. alternata and A. infectoria strains recovered from wheat kernels obtained from one of the main ...
(Crc Press-taylor & Francis Group, 2017)
Alternaria species are found in a wide range of foods including cereals, fruits, and vegetables due to their ability to grow at low temperatures and low water activity (aw). The main cause of Alternaria foodborne diseases ...
Alternaria in food products
(Elsevier, 2016-08-24)
Alternaria is a fungal genus ubiquitous in the environment; many species are saprotrophs or plant pathogens, which can accumulate toxic metabolites in the edible parts of plants. Its species, as well as its mycotoxins have ...
PCR-based assay for the detection of Alternaria species and correlation with HPLC determination of altenuene, alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether production in tomato products
(Elsevier, 2012-05)
Alternaria spp. contamination and subsequent production of mycotoxins is a common problem in vegetable crops. Identification of Alternaria species by traditional methods requires specific skills and may not detect toxigenic ...
Alternaria Species and Their Associated Mycotoxins
(Humana Press, 2017)
The genus Alternaria includes more than 250 species. The traditional methods for identification of Alternaria species are based on morphological characteristics of the reproductive structures and sporulation patterns under ...
Agressividade de Alternaria tomatophila, A. grandis e A. solani em batateira e tomateiroAggressiveness of Alternaria tomatophila, A. grandis and A. solani in potato and tomato
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBREtiologia; Epidemiologia; ControleMestrado em FitopatologiaUFV, 2015)