Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 22682
Liver histological alterations in patients with chronic hepatitis C and normal ALT levels in the city of Salvador, Northeast-Brazil
(Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2005)
Liver histological alterations in patients with chronic hepatitis C and normal ALT levels in the city of Salvador, Northeast-Brazil
(Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2005)
Patients with chronic hepatitis C can have variable clinical progression. Hepatic histological alterations appear to be milder in asymptomatic subjects who have persistently normal ALT levels.
AIMS: To evaluate the severity ...
Relación de los niveles de transaminasas (ast, alt) según el sexo, edad e imc en personas adultas de los huertos de Huanchaco - julio 2014
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2016)
Determinación de los niveles de Colinesterasa Sérica y Perfil Hepático (AST, ALT, APL, Bilirrubinas) en agricultores expuestos a plaguicidas organofosforados y carbamatos en la comunidad “la Candelaria” de la parroquia San Luis cantón Riobamba.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo., 2015-10)
The objective was to determine whether the use of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides affect serum cholinesterase levels and liver function alters that form the Aspartate aminotransferase, Alanine aminotransferase, ...
Patterns of viral load in chronic hepatitis B patients in Brazil and their association with ALT levels and HBeAg status
Serum hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA [eve[ is a predictor of the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellullar carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B patients. Nevertheless, the distribution of viral load levels in chronic HBV ...
First report of linear megaplasmids in the genus Micrococcus. Plasmid (2009),
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2010-12)
High-altitude wetlands (above 4200 m) in the northwest of Argentina are considered pristine and extreme environments. Micrococcus sp. A1, H5, and V7, isolated from such environments, were shown to contain linear megaplasmids, ...
Clinical aproach to the patient with chronic hepatitis C infection and normal aminotransferases
IApproximately 30% of patients with chronic HCV infection have persistently normal alanine aminotransferase levels (PNALT). Most of these patients have minimal or mild inflammation and absent or minimal fibrosis, although ...