Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 22
Similitudes y diferencias en el nicho realizado de dos poblaciones alopátricas de una abeja solitaria bajo variabilidad ambientalSimilarities and differences in the realized niche of two allopatric populations of a solitary bee under environmental variability
(EDP Sciences, 2020-03)
We studied the realized niche of two distant allopatric wool-carder bee populations (bee-plant interaction and reproductive biology in weather variability). In one population, we analyzed the direct and indirect effects ...
Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary patterns of the genus Psammolestes Bergroth, 1911 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae)
Background: The evolutionary history of biodiversity in South America has been poorly studied in the seasonal dry tropical forest (SDTF). Species diversification in this ecosystem may have a twofold explanation. First, ...
Signature of the paleo-course changes in the São Francisco river as source of genetic structure in neotropical pithecopus nordestinus (Phyllomedusinae, Anura) treefrog
Historical processes that have interrupted gene flow between distinct evolutionary lineages have played a fundamental role in the evolution of the enormous diversity of species found in the Neotropical region. Numerous ...
Historical and ecological divergence among populations of Monttea chilensis (Plantaginaceae), an endemic endangered shrub bordering the Atacama Desert, Chile
(Springer, 2014-02)
The coastal deserts of northern Chile show an important latitudinal gradient of aridity with more arid areas to the north of the Atacama Desert than to the south. Several plant species have disjunct distributions that ...
Geographic distribution analysis of the genus Xenodacnis (Birds: Thraupidae) using ecological niche modelingAnálisis de la distribución geográfica del género Xenodacnis (Aves: Thraupidae) utilizando el modelado de nicho ecológico
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, 2019)
Divergent environmental preferences and areas of sympatry of tick species in the Amblyomma cajennense complex (Ixodidae)
(Elsevier, 2014-09)
Four species of Neotropical ticks, Amblyomma mixtum, Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyomma tonelliae and Amblyomma sculptum (formerly included in the catch-all name A. cajennense), have an allopatric distribution in much of their ...
Divergência e conservantismo de nicho em pares de aves alopátricas na caatinga e no chaco
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Biologia Animal, 2019)
Geography and past climate changes have shaped the evolution of a widespread lizard from the Chilean hotspot
(Elsevier, 2017)
The complex orogenic history and structure of Southern South America, coupled with Pleistocene glacial cycles, have generated paleoclimatic and environmental changes that influenced the spatial distribution and genetic ...
Congeneric phylogeography: hypothesizing species limits and evolutionary processes in Patagonian lizards of the Liolaemus boulengeri group (Squamata:Liolaemini)
(Oxford University Press, 2006-10)
In poorly known groups for which data are insufficient to develop biologically plausible model-based approaches to phylogeographical analyses, a ‘first hypotheses’ protocol is suggested as offering the best way to generate ...
Divergent environmental preferences and areas of sympatry of tick species in the Amblyomma cajennense complex (Ixodidae)
Four species of Neotropical ticks, Amblyomma mixtum, Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyomma tonelliae and Amblyomma sculptum (formerly included in the catch-all name A. cajennense), have an allopatric distribution in much of their ...