Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20148
Memory Allocation Simulator
(ITESO, 2017-12)
Retail competition and shelf space allocation
We develop a model to study shelf space allocation in retail. Retailers compete for consumers not only choosing prices but also by the space allocated to each product on shelves. Our approach depart from the existing ...
Public cioods amd public allocation policy
In the Musgravean tradition the concept of public goods has become a central
element of the theory of public allocation policy. The basic argument for this
prominent role ofpublic goods is thatjointness in consumption - ...
Revisiting modern portfolio theory
This paper revisits Modern Portfolio Theory and derives eleven properties of Efficient Allocations and Portfolios in the presence of leverage. With different degrees of leverage, an Efficient Portfolio is a linear combination ...
Minimal cross-subsidies approach for loss allocation in distribution networks with open access
Open access philosophy applied by regulatory agencies may lead to a scenario where captive consumers will solely face the responsibility on distribution network's losses even with Independent Energy Producers (also known ...
Minimal cross-subsidies approach for loss allocation in distribution networks with open access
Open access philosophy applied by regulatory agencies may lead to a scenario where captive consumers will solely face the responsibility on distribution network's losses even with Independent Energy Producers (also known ...
Stability property of matchings is a natural solution concept in coalitional market games
Stability of matchings was proved to be a new cooperative equilibrium concept in Sotomayor (Dynamics and equilibrium: essays in honor to D. Gale, 1992). That paper introduces the innovation of treating as multi-dimensional ...
Transmission cost allocation by cooperative games and coalition formation
The allocation of costs of a transmission system to its users is still a pending problem in many electric sector market regulations. This paper contributes with a new allocation method among the electric market participants. ...
Within-plant allocation of a chemical defense in Secale cereale. Is concentration the appropriate currency of allocation?
(Birkhauser Verlag Basel, 1999)
The among-leaves allocation of DIBOA, a hydroxamic acid associated with plant resistance, in the shoot of rye (Secale cereale) was evaluated over the vegetative development of the plant. The appropriateness of using the ...