Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
Algorithms for the implementation of adaptive isogeometric methods using hierarchical B-splines
(Elsevier Science, 2018-01)
In this article we introduce all the ingredients to develop adaptive isogeometric methods based on hierarchical B-splines. In particular, we give precise definitions of local refinement and coarsening that, unlike previously ...
Parallel Sums and Adaptive BDDC Deluxe
There has recently been a considerable activity in developing adaptive methods for the selection of primal constraints for BDDC algorithms and, in particular, for BDDC deluxe variants. The primal constraints of a BDDC or ...
Application of PHT-splines in bending and vibration analysis of cracked Kirchhoff-Love plates
(Elsevier, 2020)
In this work, we present an eXtended Geometry Independent Field approximaTion (X-GIFT) formulation for cracked Kirchhoff-Love plates. The plate geometry is modeled by Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) while the solution ...
Refinable spaces and local approximation estimates for hierarchical splines
(Oxford University Press, 2017-07)
We study the local approximation properties in hierarchical spline spaces through multiscale quasi-interpolation operators. This construction suggests the analysis of a subspace of the classical hierarchical spline space ...
Métodos numéricos eficientes para ecuaciones diferenciales y aplicaciones
Se contempla el desarrollo, análisis e implementación de métodos numéricos para ecuaciones diferenciales, tanto sobre dominios tradicionales de Rn, como sobre superficies y fractales, y también ecuaciones de evolución de ...
Weakening the tight coupling between geometry and simulation in isogeometric analysis: from sub- and super-geometric analysis to geometry-independent field approximaTion (GIFT)
(Wiley, 2018-06)
This paper presents an approach to generalize the concept of isogeometric analysis by allowing different spaces for the parameterization of the computational domain and for the approximation of the solution field. The ...
A new perspective on hierarchical spline spaces for adaptivity
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-04)
We introduce a framework for spline spaces of hierarchical type, based on a parent–children relation, which is very convenient for the analysis as well as the implementation of adaptive isogeometric methods. This framework ...
Spline-based methods with adaptive refinement for problems of acoustics and fracture mechanics of thin plates
(Universidad de Chile, 2018)
Both the CAD software and FEM software have a significant impact on engineering nowadays. Even though both are powerful tools for design and analysis, the main drawback is that CAD geometries and Finite Element models do ...
Estudio de caso de una estructura cinética de flexión activa bio-inspirada en la planta Impatiens capensis
(Bogotá - Artes - Maestría en Construcciónscuela de Arquitectura y UrbanismoUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2020-08-14)
The following investigation presents the design and development proposal for a kinetic active bending structure, which integrates the high flexural deformations in kinematic systems, making the structure have a high ...
Optimización de la carga admisible a tracción y la hermeticidad en el diseño de una conexión roscada API 3 1/2 NU a través de técnicas metaheurísticas y análisis de elementos finitos
(Bogotá - Ingeniería - Maestría en Ingeniería - Ingeniería MecánicaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2020-07-12)
En el presente trabajo se optimiza la resistencia de carga a tracción y hermeticidad de una conexión roscada API 3 1/2 NU, adaptando su geometría inicial y realizando cambios dimensionales de la conexión a través de una ...