Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 243075
Diferentation and positioning
What is a Positive Intervention? Theoretical, Empirical and Experiential Perspectives.
(Universidad de Palermo, 2009)
Three interrelated threads of inquiry -theoretical, empirical, and experiential-
are pursued to answer one fundamental question: what is a positive intervention?
Part 1 proposes a theoretical definition of the term ...
(Universidad Católica del Norte, Departamento de Matemáticas, 2008)
Almost strict total positivity and a class of Hurwitz polynomials
(Elsevier B.V., 2005-02-01)
We establish sufficient conditions for a matrix to be almost totally positive, thus extending a result of Craven and Csordas who proved that the corresponding conditions guarantee that a matrix is strictly totally positive. ...
A Context-Aware Model to Provide Positioning in Disaster Relief Scenarios
(MDPI AG, 2015)
The effectiveness of the work performed during disaster relief efforts is highly
dependent on the coordination of activities conducted by the first responders deployed in the
affected area. Such coordination, in turn, ...
A Context-Aware Model to Provide Positioning in Disaster Relief Scenarios
The effectiveness of the work performed during disaster relief efforts is highly dependent on the coordination of activities conducted by the first responders deployed in the affected area. Such coordination, in turn, ...
Intelligent Position Aware Mobile Services for Seamless and Non-Intrusive Clocking-in
This paper analyzes the viability of the use of employees smartphones as a valid tool for companies in order to conduct presence control. A Mobile Location Aware Information System is also proposed for a non intrusive ...
Association of student position in classroom and school performance
We analyzed whether the position of students in classroom is correlated with academic performance, and which factors might be involved. The sample consisted of 16 classrooms in a school year bimester, each one with around ...
Mitigation of symmetry condition in positive realness for adaptive control
(Elsevier B.V., 2006-09-01)
Feasibility of nonlinear and adaptive control methodologies in multivariable linear time-invariant systems with state-space realization (A, B, C) is apparently limited by the standard strictly positive realness conditions ...