Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 166
Álgebras de Banach e Teorema de Gelfand
(Florianópolis, SC, 2019-11-21)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho acadêmico é apresentar e demonstrar o
Teorema de Gelfand, um importante resultado em C -álgebra.
Para isso, primeiramente é apresentado um estudo de álgebras de Banach,
no qual obtivemos ...
Symmetry and Inverse Closedness for Some Banach ∗-Algebras Associated to Discrete Groups
(Tusi Mathematical Research Group, 2015)
A discrete group G is called rigidly symmetric if for every C*-algebra A the projective tensor product l(1)(G)(circle times) over capA is a symmetric Banach *-algebra. For such a group we show that the twisted crossed ...
Algebras de Banach de funções continuas
([s.n.], 2003)
Uma Introdução aos Espaços de Banach com Dimensão Finita
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNMatemáticaDepartamento de Ciências Exatas e Aplicadas, 2021-09-22)
The present work has as target audience all students who have experience in Linear Algebra and Real Analysis. Some introductory results of Functional Analysis will be presented, more precisely, Banach spaces with finite ...
Regulated functions with values in the Banach algebra of quaternions
In this paper we deal with the notion of regulated functions with values in a Banach algebra A, we prove some results and present examples using quaternions. The physical meanning of this kind of functions is introduced ...
Regulated Functions with values in the Banach Algebra of Quaternions
(Int Assoc Engineers-iaeng, 2011-01-01)
In this paper we deal with the notion of regulated functions with values in a Banach algebra A, we prove some results and present examples using quaternions. The physical meanning of this kind of functions is introduced ...