Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13027
Instalación de JDK de Java en Ambiente Linux- Ubuntu
This content illustrates the installation of Java Development Kit (JDK) in Linux-Ubuntu environment. It is important for students of Computer Systems, with specific skills for managing open development platforms, in addition ...
Máquinas de Estados Finitos
The following document talks about using Finite Automata and the operation of their abstract machines. Just as the use of symbols and computational terms.
Modelado de Sistemas Discretos
The following document talks about using Finite Automata and modeling of discrete systems which explain the operation of abstract machines. And down the main errors that can be committed to trying to accomplish.
Planeación y Programación de una Auditoria informática
The present work is focused on the unity of matter III Computer Audit material that allows us to realize how it develops an audit planning computer and what is the methodology.
Camel: collective-aware message logging
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2015-03)
The continuous progress in the performance of supercomputers has made possible the understanding of many fundamental problems in science. Simulation, the third scientific pillar, constantly demands more powerful machines ...
Elementos de diseño de memoria caché
The use of the cache in a computer system increases the overall performance of it, so it is necessary to know the strategies for the design and implementation of this type of memory.
Jerarquía de Memoria
In a computer system is required to rank the memory spaces for better management of the operating system, for that reason this paper has designed a material is disclosed where the disinter available memory space in a system.
Gestión de Memoria
One of the main tasks of the processor and the OS on a computer system is memory management, which is very necessary to maintain large-scale overall system performance
La reutilización de software en Grails Framework
El desarrollo de proyectos de software demanda el uso de herramientas de
programación que apoyen a los arquitectos de aplicaciones en la atención de las
limitantes de tiempo y costos. Sin poner en riesgo la calidad del ...
Desarrollo Web con Grails Framework
Una de las tendencias actuales del desarrollo Web es la necesidad de tener un
incremento en la productividad de los equipo de trabajo, mediante la reutilización de
código para buscar reducir los tiempos de desarrollo ...