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Chemical, Physical, Microstructural And Sensory Properties Of Set Fat-free Yogurts Stabilized With Whey Protein Concentrate
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Milchwissenschaft. , v. 59, n. 3-4, p. 161 - 165, 2004.
Antunes A.E.C.
Antunes A.J.
Cardello H.M.A.B.
The aim of the present work was to study set-type, fat-free yogurt stabilized with skimmed milk powder (SMP) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) blends. The properties of interest were: fermentation kinetics, texture profile, syneresis, microstructure and sensory analysis. The fat-free yogurts were made with SMP/WPC addition at 1:0, 1.5:0.5, 1:1, 0.5:1.5 and 0:1. Whole yogurt with SMP/WPC addition at 1:0 was used as the control. Microscopy studies suggested that all the yogurts were similar, however the samples with a high proportion of WPC showed a slightly more compact structure. The addition of WPC resulted in a harder and more cohesive texture, greater water-holding capacity and reduced fermentation time. The fat-free yogurt with 5% of protein from SMP/WPC at 1.5:0.5 was similar to the control in texture profile, syneresis and sensory properties (p < 0.05). 59 3-4 161 165 (1996) Official Methods of Analysis, , Washington DC Augustin, M.A., Cheng, L.J., Clarke, P.T., (1999) Int. Dairy J., 9 (3-6), pp. 415-416 Barrantes, E., Tamime, A.Y., Muir, D.D., Sword, A.M., (1994) J. Soc. Dairy Technol., 47 (2), pp. 61-68 Bhullar, Y.S., Uddin, M.A., Shah, N.P., (2002) Milchwissenschaft, 57 (6), pp. 328-332 Broome, M.C., Willman, N., Roginski, H., Hickey, M.W., (1982) Austr J. Dairy Technol., 37 (4), pp. 139-142 Cheng, L.J., Augustin, M.A., Clarke, P.T., (2000) Aust J. Dairy Technol., 55 (2), p. 110 Davies, F.L., Shankar, P.A., Brooker, B.E., Hobbs, D.G.J., (1978) Dairy Res., 45 (1), pp. 53-58 El-Salam, M.H.A., El-Shibiny, S., Mahfouz, M.B., El-Dein, H., El-Atribi, H.M., Antila, V., (1991) J. Dairy Res., 58 (4), pp. 503-510 Guirguis, N., Broome, M.C., Hickey, M.W., (1984) Aust. J. Dairy Technol., 39 (1), pp. 33-35 Jelen, P., Buchheim, W., Peters, K.-H., (1987) Milchwissenschaft, 42 (7), pp. 418-421 Lanara. Ministério da Agricultura, Brasília (1981)Kähkönen, P., Tuorila, H., (1999) Food Qual. Prefer., 10, pp. 83-91 Martini, M.C., Bollweg, G.L., Levitt, M.D., Savaidano, D.A., (1987) Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 45 (2), pp. 432-436 Modler, H.W., Larmond, M.E., Lin, C.S., Froehlinch, D., Emmons, D.B., (1983) J. Dairy Sci., 66 (3), pp. 423-429 Modler, H.W., Kálab, M., (1983) J. Dairy Sci., 66 (3), pp. 430-437 Parnell-Clunies, E.M., Kakuda, Y., Mullen, K., Arnott, D.R., Deman, J.M., (1986) J. Dairy Sci., 69, pp. 2593-2603 Penna, A.L.B., Baruffaldi, R., Oliveira, M.N., (1997) J. Food Sci., 62 (4), pp. 846-850 Rawson, H.L., Marshall, V.M., (1997) Int. J. Food Sci. Technol., 32 (3), pp. 213-220 Rodrigues-Serrano, G., Perez-Hernandez, G., Gallardo, F., Gomez-Ruiz, L., Garcia-Garibay, M., (2002) Milchwissenschaft, 57 (9-10), pp. 540-543 Tamime, A.Y., Deeth, H.C., (1980) J. Food Prot., 43 (12), pp. 939-977 Torriani, S., Gardini, F., Guerzoni, M.E., Dellaglio, F., (1996) Int. Dairy J., 6 (6), pp. 625-636 Verheul, M., Roefs, S.P.F.M., (1998) Food Hydrocolloids, 12 (1), pp. 17-24 Yazici, F., Alvarez, V.B., Hansen, P.M.T., (1997) J. Food Sci., 62 (3), pp. 457-461