dc.contributorPaschuk, Sergei Anatolyevich
dc.contributorDenyak, Valeriy
dc.creatorDrumond, Luiz Fernando
dc.identifierDRUMOND, Luiz Fernando. Avaliação do kerma no ar na entrada da pele e da qualidade da imagem em radiografias de tórax de pequenos animais com sistemas de imagens convencional e digital. 2012. 67 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThe animals that are subjected to ionizing radiation have a higher risk of effects such as induction of cancer, cataracts, fibrosis and shortening of life span. Few studies have been conducted comparing the new detection systems of portable digital x-rays and conventional radiographic images. The purpose of this study is to compare the detection systems regarding the entrance surface air Kerma rate in skin (ESAK). Routine radiographic examinations were performed on 43 animals in the conventional system and 43 in the digital system. Initially performed an evaluation of x-ray equipment and subsequently it was evaluated the ESAK through thermoluminescent dosimeters and the tube output. A subjective analysis of the image quality in chest radiography was made. The device was considered adequate after being subjected to quality tests. Radiography showed several types of incidences with ESAK values 40% higher than the digital system compared to conventional. Significant difference was observed in radiographs of the spine and thorax. In the thoracic examination ESAK difference between the systems is stable with increasing voltage in the device. With increasing milliamperage the difference between them increases. Thoracic radiographs evaluated according to subjective analysis of image quality obtained using the best quality digital system, but with a greater digital ESAK than for conventional systems.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial
dc.subjectRadiologia veterinária - Controle de qualidade
dc.subjectProcessamento de imagens - Técnicas digitais
dc.subjectEngenharia elétrica
dc.subjectVeterinary radiology - Quality control
dc.subjectImage processing - Digital techniques
dc.subjectElectric engineering
dc.titleAvaliação do kerma no ar na entrada da pele e da qualidade da imagem em radiografias de tórax de pequenos animais com sistemas de imagens convencional e digital

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