dc.contributorTenesaca Chimbo, Jorge Agustín
dc.creatorVilla Llivicura, Marco Eduardo
dc.description.abstractTReligion, one of the main characters in the history of humanity, has had different roles in human development. From its very beginning to this day, places of worship have housed their believers and congregations, giving rise to the development and constitution of a space called The Temple. This space has been considered sacred, where people chose to build the abode of the gods, according to their belief or ideology. Humanity through the ages and its geographical location has had very diverse manifestations in terms of faith and its religious doctrine. Of the many beliefs and religions, Christianity has stood out; people’s faith in a redeeming Christ has crossed time, borders and ideologies. As faith in Christ and his ancestor’s lineage has been gaining adherents, the places for worship of the Christian God have also multiplied, initiating their first concentrations in underground and prehistoric spaces. Architecture did not take long to be present in the construction of places for Christian worship. The first Temples were places with basic spaces, and as the religion grew, the Architecture of the Temples took greater relevance until reaching its peak over all constructions. After the fragmentation of the Roman Catholic. Church with the Reformation, led by Martin Luther in Germany in the 16th century, Protestant temples appeared as a solution to a new doctrine of Christian religious practice. Given the lack of a study of the Evangelical Christian temples in the City of Cuenca, this work that pursues my degree will propose a preliminary design for a temple of the congregation of the Assembly of God in Cuenca. For a design approach, it was very essential to make a historical analysis of the church and its establishment in Ecuador, and the origins of the Evangelical Christian Church. Once we’ve studied, and it’s clear the canon practiced by its believers; it will help to know the present needs within the congregation. Along with the historical analysis, it was necessary to know and study some cases of local and foreign Christian temples that are active in the city. Exploring their strengths gives a vital input in order to integrate into the design concepts.In the proposal raised as a preliminary draft level, design principles have been established that will fit to the demands of this place of worship, which combines complementary activities, such as administrative, educational and service areas. The proposed technology is linked to the existing construction practices in the environment, the materials used goes accordingly to the technology, being the main goods to use in the project: concrete, wood, glass and sun cutters. In the end, the architectural complex maintains the three main pillars of Architecture: form, function and technology. Resulting in an Architecture for the spirit.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectArquitectura religiosa
dc.titleAnteproyecto arquitectónico para el templo de la Iglesia Asamblea de Dios en Cuenca

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