dc.contributorPetermann, Juliana
dc.contributorCarvalho, Cristiane Mafacioli
dc.contributorHansen, Fábio
dc.creatorSchuch, Lucas Alves
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation has as its theme the reformulations of the advertising practice and as a delimitation of this we have: the movements that require reformulations in institutional practices, in the field of advertising and in the habitus of advertisers. From this theme, we intend to answer the following question: How do the main movements that require the advertising market as a field, reformulations in their institutionalized practices? To answer this question, in our methodology we start from a cartographic perspective, using as an epistemological axis Deleuze and Guattari's (1995) notes, to construct the rhizome that defines our empirical object, which we define as the advertising market. Of this object, we will analyze, above all, the transformations in the models of advertising agencies, central institution of the publicity practices until then. As a guide for our cartographic procedure, we use the notes of Virgínia Kastrup (2007) on how the cartographer's attention is given and also divide our cartography in the steps the author proposes: screening; touch; landing; recognition. In each of these stages, we used a variety of data collection techniques, such as documentary research and interviews with field agents. All the data generated are analyzed from analytical categories that arise from our two theoretical pillars of this research. The first one, elaborated from Pierre Bourdieu, discusses the concepts of field and habitus, which helps us to analyze the field of communication and, more specifically, the subfield of advertising, besides evaluating how the behavior of the professional is being transformed. Secondly, the transformations that permeate advertising practices are also supported in this study by Berger and Luckmann's (1985) notes and their propositions on what are and how institutionalized practices originate. As results to this study, we find the main tensions revealed from the opposition between agents already established in the field and the new agents, whether they are new professionals or new institutions that present themselves composing the field. In addition, we find indications of possible updates of the advertising habitus at this time of transformations of the field, such as new skills such as prototyping, data analysis and administration being required of the advertisers, besides finding a professional in the field more questioning than we saw in the generations of professionals.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectPráticas institucionais
dc.subjectModelos de negócio
dc.subjectInstitutional practices
dc.subjectBusiness models
dc.titleTransformações na propaganda: um olhar rizomático sobre a prática publicitária

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