dc.contributorMatilde Meire Miranda Cadete
dc.contributorMaria Rizoneide Negreiros de Araujo
dc.creatorMaurilio Antonio Evaristo
dc.description.abstractDetect and treat appropriately of syphilis in pregnancy helps to improve the indices related to maternal and fetal morbimortality. The diagnosis of syphilis is based on clinical evaluation, identification of the etiologic agent and serological tests. The VDRL is an essential test for pregnant, seeking a healthy pregnancy and a protection the fetus. This study aimed to analyze, from the literature, what have been published regarding interpretation of VDRL tests in prenatal and about therapeutic conduct to be taken by professionals from the Family Health Program. We conducted a literature review, in narrative form, in order to gain further insight into the studies and evidence available about the VDRL test for pregnant women. We searched on databases LILACS, manuals and programs of the Ministry of Health. The descriptor used was "syphilis" associated with the qualifier "pregnant women". The readings of all the material showed from the various types of syphilis and until detection. The VDRL test, due to low cost and convenience as to its realization, has been in widespread use in most laboratories, units of primary health care. It approaches in sequence, the treatment of syphilis and importance of compulsory reporting. Therefore, health professionals, in particular those responsible for pre natal, should providing comprehensive care in accordance with the conditions set by public health policies.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAtenção primária à saúde
dc.titleSífilis adquirida: diagnóstico sorológico e terapêutica clínica no pré-natal
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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