dc.contributorGiovanni Campos Fonseca
dc.contributorGustavo Tentoni Dias
dc.contributorAndrea Maria Narciso Rocha de Paula
dc.contributorSergio Dias Cirino
dc.creatorLuana de Melo Lobato
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation had the general objective of study student mobility journey of the undergraduate course in Administration at the UFMG, Campus Montes Claros, from 2009 to 2018, considering the context of expansion of federal higher education, policies and programs (ENEM/SISU and REUNI) that have expanded access to education for different groups from different regions. We also sought to address the evasion of these students in the context of educational expansion. In this research, "students mobility" are defined as those entering the Administration course who were not born in the city. The use of the term 'journey' allows us to get away from the macro view of migration and allows us to demonstrate the challenges and obstacles encountered in the trajectory of each student. The research points out that the student moves from one place to another with a project, which was called the student project. Throughout the journey, this project is reformulated, and may even lead to dropping out. This work used a mixed quantitative and qualitative research approach, of an exploratory, cross sectional, and descriptive nature. The quantitative approach made it possible to describe the 171 mobile students who participated: 54 (31.6%) of them were former students, 57 (33.3%) had dropped out, and 60 (35.1%) were still studying. To analyze the journeys, the challenges of reformulating the project and the evasion of students mobility, 19 interviews were carried out, and the results showed that most mobile students are people who have a history of mobility, and that their journeys are not linear, but are marked by different challenges and negotiations. It was found that students reformulated their student projects and included new projects in their journey, that the ENEM/SISU public policies and the importance of institutional support (student assistance) and family contributed to the mobility to occur. Furthermore, it was found that the school dropout is not associated with mobility or the economic factor, but rather with other factors such as the desire to enter another course.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sociedade, Ambiente e Território
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMobilidade Estudantil
dc.subjectEnsino Superior
dc.subjectEvasão escolar
dc.subjectPolítica Pública
dc.subjectNorte de Minas
dc.subjectUFMG – Campus Montes Claros
dc.titleEstudantes em mobilidade: jornadas de ingressantes no curso de Administração da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Campus Montes Claros, 2009-2018

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