dc.contributorPrado, Antonio Francisco do
dc.creatorBossonaro, Adriano Aleixo
dc.identifierBOSSONARO, Adriano Aleixo. Método RSCT reengenharia de software orientada a componentes usando transformações.. 2004. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2004.
dc.description.abstractThis project researched a Component-Oriented Software Reengineering Method using Transformations, named RSCT. The researched method extends the RST Method [Fon02a, Fon02b, Fon02c, Fon02d, Fon04], adding resources to treat the component-based reengineering. The RSCT aims to guide the components construction and reuse in the reengineering of legacy systems. The method is supported by two tools: a Software Transformation System, named Draco-PUC and a CASE tool, named MVCASE, and is divided in 4 (four) phases. In Phase 1, Construct Domains and Transformers, it is obtained the domains and transformers used in the legacy system reverse engineering to obtain of Object-Oriented Design. In Phase 2, Obtain Object-Oriented Design, it is obtained the legacy system object-oriented recovered design, using the domains and transformers constructed in Phase 1. In Phase 3, Construct Components, it is obtained the components of the legacy system domain, from the objectoriented recovered designs in Phase 2. With the MVCASE support, the Software Engineering analyses and refines each Object-Oriented design and uses design patterns to construct the components, making them available in a library. Finally, in Phase 4, Reconstruct Systems, the legacy systems are reconstructed from their object-oriented designs, obtained in Phase 2, reusing the components available in the library.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEngenharia de software
dc.subjectReengenharia orientada a objetos
dc.subjectComponentes de software
dc.subjectPadrões de projeto
dc.titleMétodo RSCT reengenharia de software orientada a componentes usando transformações.

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