dc.contributorTochetto, Tania Maria
dc.contributorTeixeira, Adriane Ribeiro
dc.contributorWeinmann, Angela Regina Maciel
dc.creatorGatto, Cladi Inês
dc.identifierGATTO, Cladi Inês. Newborn hearing screening: an experimental program. 2006. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fonoaudiologia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2006.
dc.description.abstractThe hearing loss (HL) causes significant disturbance to the personal development and it is of high prevalence among the congenital deficiencies. The early detection and intervention are basic to minimize the damages caused for the HL. The newborn hearing screening (NHS) is an important alternative for the early detection of the HL. The objective of this work was promote the implantation of a program of optional newborn hearing screening , evaluating the auditory function of the newborn children, identifying the auditory alterations, the pointers of more frequent auditory risk and analyzing the factors that had intervened with the development of the considered program of NHS. The sample was composed in 225 newborn of a city hospital, evaluated in maternity and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) by means of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE). The first auditory selection occurred before leaving the hospital. The 100 children who had failed in the first hearing screening would have to return in 15 days for a re-test. The children had been directed for the stage of diagnosis 10 that had remained with fail in the second hearing screening. Of four children that they had appeared for braistem evoked response audiometry (BERA) the auditory alteration was confirmed in all they. It does not have significant statistics difference between the groups with and without risk pointers in the first auditory selection, being this significant difference in the second selection. The children of the NICU had gotten, significantly, more resulted fail of what of the maternity. The result passes prevailed for the feminine sex and the right ear. It did not have significant difference between the results gotten after and before 24 hours of life. It was gotten the end of the stages proposals 14,22% of evasion with predominance for the group with risk pointers. It is concluded that one-third of the evaluated children had risk pointers to HL, being the permanence in NICU the most frequent. The occurrence of auditory alterations in the sample was superior to the related literature. Was gotten high fail results in the first hearing screening, which significantly had been reduced in the second hearing screening. Some factors, as environment of accomplishment, experience of the appraiser, participation of the team of the hospital and time of permanence of the newborn child in the joint lodging, had intervened with the results of the first hearing screening. The evasion in the second hearing screening and the stage of the diagnosis was the main difficulty found during the development of the program.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTriagem neonatal
dc.subjectPerda auditiva
dc.subjectNeonatal screening
dc.subjectHearing loss
dc.titleTriagem auditiva neonatal: um programa experimental

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