dc.contributorFontoura, Lisandra Manzoni
dc.contributorNunes, Raul Ceretta
dc.contributorFrozza, Rejane
dc.creatorLima, Renata Martinuzzi de
dc.description.abstractSystem of Systems (SoS) are becoming more common in our society due to the diversity of stakeholders, heterogeneous technology, ubiquity, or large-scale networks involved in the development of software intensive systems. Consequently, there is an increasing interest in closing the gaps still existing in the System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) context, which is a field in constant growth due to its complexity. Most of these gaps are related to the SoS requirements engineering or management, the lack of well-defined and standardized methods and techniques for Requirements Engineering for SoS (RESoS) makes difficult the development and the evolution of the overall SoS. Hence, in this work we propose a process of requirements management for SoS capable of organizing the work among stakeholders and managing changes in requirements, thus contributing to a more predictable and adaptable evolutionary development of the SoS. The results of a conformity assessment show that our process is in conformity with the most of international standards recommendations related to Systems Engineering and Requirements Engineering. In addiction, a study case was developed in the context of a real project in order to apply the process in practice. The results of a qualitative validation indentified that the proposed approach addresses the objective of to solve the identified problem and it had a positive evaluation, from the project team, in terms of correctness, usefullness, and effectiveness in the studied context.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCiência da Computação
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectSistema de sistemas
dc.subjectEngenharia de requisitos
dc.subjectGerenciamento de requisitos
dc.subjectSystem of systems
dc.subjectRequirements engineering
dc.subjectRequirements management
dc.titleUm processo para gerenciamento de requisitos de system of systems

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