dc.contributorGoellner, Silvana Vilodre
dc.contributorTomazetti, Elisete Medianeira
dc.creatorJahn, Ângela Bortoli
dc.identifierJAHN, ângela Bortoli. THE PLANNING OF THE LESSONS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF THE PROFESSORS WHO ACT IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL OF SANTA MARIA (RS). 2004. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2004.
dc.description.abstractThe present study aprroach the Planning of the Lessons of Physical Education, where I searched to investigate as the professors of Physical Education of Basic Ensino of a Public School of Santa Maria (RS) understand the planning of lesson and as they apply it in educative practical its, having as Educative Practical line of research in the Institutions. To know as if it processes the planning of the lessons of Physical Education in this School, I used as instrument of collection of data in this qualitative research the half-structuralized interview. The four professors of Physical Education who act in the final series of Basic Ensino, as well as the Directive Team of the school had been interviewed. Relation to the choice of the participants of this study, I believe that the professors, together with the pupils, are the principal actors of practical the pedagogical one, through which the planning of education if he materialize. To analyze the results gotten in the field work I used the technique of the content analysis. Through readings of the interviews, I grouped the data in four categories that I consider excellent to investigate the boarded subject. They are they: a) The Conception and the Paper of the Pertaining to school Physical Education; b) Practical Pedagogical of the Professor of Physical Education, c) Contents Worked in the Physical Education, d) Planning of Lesson of the professors of Physical Education. You say them of the interviewed ones point with respect to the importance of the planning, however, I evidenced that the professors do not systemize for writing its plan of lesson, not giving the had importance to the document elaboration that registers its activities. It is of basic importance to consider that to plan he is one of the instruments that assist the school and the professor to be more competent in the task to educate.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEducação física
dc.subjectPlanejamento de aula
dc.subjectPrática pedagógica
dc.subjectPhysical education
dc.subjectPlanning of lesson
dc.subjectPractical pedagogical
dc.titleO planejamento das aulas de educação física dos professores que atuam em uma escola pública de Santa Maria (RS)

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