dc.contributorVieira, Sylvio Andre Garcia
dc.creatorMentges, Maiara
dc.description.abstractToday technologies are present in the daily lives of almost all people, especially young people. These young people immersed in the technological world sometimes when entering the classroom see themselves in a completely different world in which technologies do not exist. However, these can be used to enrich the process of teaching and learning, making the students have more taste for learning. Thus, interdisciplinarity can also contribute to the motivation of the learner to study the contents addressed in the classroom, as it relates concepts from different areas of knowledge, giving meaning to the learning of concepts that are sometimes seen in isolation. Thus, the present work seeks to understand how the teaching and learning process of Arithmetic Progressions (PA) and Geometric Progressions (PG) is developed, through questionnaires applied to high school mathematics teachers, and to propose an activity about the study of PA and PG graphs through the use of technologies and interdisciplinarity. Thus an activity on the Malthusian Theory developed in Geogebra software was applied to a class of high school students, relating the PA graph with the Graph of Functions Afim and the graph of PG with Exponential Functions. In general, with the present proposal we can highlight the potential of the use of technologies and interdisciplinary proposals in the classroom, as they have the potential to arouse students' interest in the proposed content.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectProgressões aritméticas
dc.subjectProgressões geométricas
dc.subjectSoftware Geogebra
dc.subjectArithmetic progressions
dc.subjectGeometric progressions
dc.titleA interdisciplinaridade no ensino de progressões aritméticas e geométricas por meio de softwares matemáticos
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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