dc.contributorCielo, Carla Aparecida
dc.creatorD’Avila, Helena
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work was to verify the vocal modifications that occurred after the utilization of the vocal reabilitation technique with the emission of the fricative hearing sound /Z/ in ten adult women that had no vocal alterations or laryngeal diseases. The subjects answered an interview, they made an otolaryngologic evaluation and audiometric exam, vocal and acoustic evaluation as well as hearing perception, and then they auto-evaluated their voices. They had the characteristics of being adult, with no alcoholic and smoking habits; they had neither allergic, faryngeal, oral and nasal alterations, nor in their lungs and in the endocrinal, estomatognatic and digestive systems; they didn t know the technique; there were no hearing and alterations. The acoustic, hearing-perception and electroglottographic (EGG) measuring were made before and after the production of the technique so that they could be compared afterwards. The subjects also auto-evaluated their voices after the technique. The hearing-perception analysis was made directly from the voice recorded by the computer program Doctor Speech, version 4.0, Voice Assessment of Tiger Eletronics®,from Seatle, USA, simultaneously with the acoustic and electroglottographic (EGG) analysis. The evaluations were made in the voice laboratory of the speech, language and hearing sciences service in UFSM / RS. At the end of the evalutions, all of them were tabulated and the statistically significance was calculated among the incoming of the evaluted parameters in the acoustic analysis of the voice and the percentile incoming of the hearing perceptions evaluations and vocal auto¬evaluations and spectrography. For a statistically analysing of the data that were analysed objectively a parametric t-pareado test was done because the subjects didn t have any treatment and to be possible to compare the couples of two related groups. The conclusion says that the phonoterapeutic tecnique of fricative hearing sound /Z/ promoted, with statistically significance, a subjective feeling of a "clearer voice with easy production, the voice was less trembled, more regular, with an easy emission and more capacity of keeping it for a long time"; spectrograms showing more definition for the harmonic, less noise, more formants definition, more regulation on the trace and a better voice. The fricative hearing sound /Z/ tecnique promoted for the most of the subjects, with no statistically significance, a better resonance. The tecnique studied produced a muscular normotension, promoting less effort in phonation, more comfort during the vocal production and a greater vocal production.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências da Saúde
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectDistúrbios da articulação
dc.titleSom fricativo sonoro /Z/: modificações vocais
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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