dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.contributorUniversidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
dc.identifierRevista Do Servico Publico. Brasilia: Escola Nacl Adm Publica-enap, v. 66, n. 3, p. 449-473, 2015.
dc.description.abstractIn the recent literature, the concept of policy subsystem has played a central role in several theoretical models, being considered the prime unit of analysis in approaches of the public policy process. This paper aims to discuss the theoretical construction around the idea of policy subsystems, policy communities and policy networks, as well as to evidence the incorporation and development of these concepts in three theoretical models of policy analysis: the multiple streams model; the punctuated equilibrium framework and the advocacy coalition framework. The theoretical and conceptual debate about the subsystems, communities and policy networks aims to contribute to studies in public policy change processes, especially in perspectives that consider the role of the actors through their ideas, knowledge and interests.
dc.publisherEscola Nacl Adm Publica-enap
dc.relationRevista Do Servico Publico
dc.rightsAcesso restrito
dc.sourceWeb of Science
dc.subjectpublic administration
dc.subjectpublic policies
dc.subjectwork group
dc.titleSubsystems, communities and networks: articulating ideas and interests in the formulation of public policies
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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