dc.contributorUniversidade de Taubaté - UNITAU
dc.contributorComando-Geral de Tecnologia Aeroespacial - CTA
dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.identifierSAE Technical Papers.
dc.description.abstractStudy of consumption rate and gaseous pollutant emission from engine tests simulating real work conditions, using spark point manually controlled and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in diverse proportion levels. The objective of this work is to re-examine the potential of the EGR conception, a well-known method of combustion control, employed together electronic fuel injection and three-way catalytic converter closed-loop control at a spark ignition engine, verifying the performance characteristics and technical availability of this conception to improve pollution control, fuel economy at low torque drive condition and to improve the engine exhaust components useful life. The pollutant emissions and consumption levels under operational conditions simulations were analysed and compared with the expected by concerning theory and real tests performed by EGR equipped engines by factory. Copyright © 2006 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
dc.relationSAE Technical Papers
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.subjectClosed-loop control
dc.subjectCombustion control
dc.subjectConsumption levels
dc.subjectConsumption rates
dc.subjectElectronic fuel injections
dc.subjectEngine test
dc.subjectGaseous pollutants
dc.subjectNOx emissions
dc.subjectOperational conditions
dc.subjectPerformance characteristics
dc.subjectPetrol engine
dc.subjectPollutant emission
dc.subjectThree way catalytic converter
dc.subjectUseful life
dc.subjectWork condition
dc.subjectCatalytic converters
dc.subjectFuel economy
dc.subjectExhaust gas recirculation
dc.titleStudy of utilization of petrol engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and catalytic converter to reduce consumption and NOx emission
dc.typeActas de congresos

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