dc.creatorGermer S.P.M.
dc.creatorQueiroz M.R.
dc.creatorAguirre J.M.
dc.creatorBerbari S.A.G.
dc.creatorAnjos V.D.
dc.identifierCiencia E Tecnologia De Alimentos. , v. 30, n. 4, p. 940 - 948, 2010.
dc.descriptionThis paper evaluated the influence of temperature and concentration of the sucrose syrup on the pre-osmotic dehydration of peaches. Physical (colour and texture) and chemical variables (soluble solid content; total sugar, reducing and non-reducing sugar contents; and titratable acidity) were investigated, as well as the osmotic dehydration parameters (loss of weight and water; solids incorporation). An experimental central composite design was employed varying the temperature (from 30 to 50 °C) and concentration (from 45 to 65 °Brix) and maintaining the syrup to fruit ratio (4:1), process time (4 hours), and format (slices). The degree of acceptance was used in the sensory analysis evaluating the following characteristics: appearance, taste, texture, colour, and overall quality using a hedonic scale. The results were modelled using the Statistica program (v. 6.0) and the Response Surface Methodology. The mathematical models of the following dimensionless variations yielded significant (p < 0.05) and predictive results: soluble solids content, total and non-reducing sugar contents, titratable acidity, colour parameter L*, and water loss. The models of the attributes colour and appearance yielded significant (p < 0.10) but not predictive results. Temperature was the prevalent effect in the models. The process conditions in the range from 50 to 54.1 °C and from 45 to 65 °Brix led to greater water losses and better sensory performances.
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dc.relationCiencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos
dc.titleProcess Variables In The Osmotic Dehydration Of Sliced Peaches [variáveis De Processo Na Desidratação Osmótica De Pêssegos Em Fatias]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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