dc.creatorViana G.B.
dc.creatorDe Toledo M.B.F.
dc.identifierLecture Notes In Business Information Processing. Springer Verlag, v. 102 LNBIP, n. , p. 388 - 402, 2012.
dc.descriptionThis article presents an overview of a major e-government site in Brazil, the Transparency Portal, and makes a comparison with electronic government of some other countries, in order to assess the degree of accessibility of each site. To obtain the results, the validation tools ASES, DaSilva and TotalValidator have been used to evaluate the sites based on e-MAG and WCAG. A survey with entities, such as NGOs and ordinary users is also presented, aiming at evaluating the Transparency Portal according to criteria such as navigation and ease of use. These assessments and a proposed architecture will be used as suggestions for improving the Brazilian site and make it easier to use and accessible to a greater number of citizens, regardless of educational level and specific needs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
dc.description102 LNBIP
dc.descriptionChinese Academy of Engineering,et al.,Inst. Syst. Technol. Inf. Control Commun. (INSTICC),K.C. Wong Education Foundation,National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),University of ReadingPublisher:Springer Verlag
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dc.publisherSpringer Verlag
dc.relationLecture Notes in Business Information Processing
dc.titleElectronic Government In Brazil: Evaluating Brazilian Initiative And How To Improve It
dc.typeActas de congresos

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