Now showing items 1-10 of 19891
Two new cauliflorous species of Aristolochia subseries Anthocaulicae (Aristolochiaceae) from southern Central America
Two new cauliflorous species of Aristolochia subseries Anthocaulicae from southern Central America are described and illustrated. Aristolochia guanacastensis from northwestern Costa Rica resembles A. ruiziana, from which ...
La relación de la música en dos novelas costarricenses: Cierto azul de Fernando Contreras Castro y Cómo ríe la luna de Vernor Muñoz Autores
El presente artículo analiza el papel de la música en dos novelas costarricenses:
Cierto azul de Fernando Contreras y Cómo ríe la luna de Vernor Muñoz. A partir de
la metodología propuesta por Hallet (2015), se estudia ...
Beyond the various contrivances by which orchids are pollinated: global patterns in orchid pollination biology
Orchidaceae show remarkable diversity in pollination strategies, but how these strategies vary globally is not entirely clear. To identify regions and taxa that are data-rich and lend themselves to rigorous analyses or are ...
Sweet as Vanilla hartii: Evidence for a nectar-rewarding pollination mechanism in Vanilla (Orchidaceae) flowers
Little is known about the pollination mechanisms of species belonging to the genus Vanilla (Orchidaceae). Both autonomous self-pollination and animal-mediated pollination mechanisms seem to exist amongst the Vanilla species, ...
Mapping estuarine vegetation using satellite imagery: The case of the invasive species Baccharis halimifolia at a Natura 2000 site
The invasive shrub Baccharis halimifolia is a threat to the environmental health of many estuarine protected areas
throughout Europe. It displaces saltmarsh vegetation and creates monospecific stands that diminish the ...
Range expansion and noteworthy records of Costa Rican birds (Aves)
We present new distribution information for 19 species of Costa Rican birds. Thirteen species show changes in altitudinal distribution, 9 are recorded at higher elevations such as Egretta rufescens (Gmelin, 1789), Heliomaster ...
Importancia social y económica de la membresía del Movimiento Solidarista en Costa Rica, 2018-2021
El presente documento destaca una serie de diapositivas utilizadas por los señores Dr. Leonardo Castellón y Msc. Víctor Garro, el día martes 18 de octubre de 2022, durante su presentación en las Jornadas de investigación, ...
Effects of exogenous amylolytic or fibrolytic enzymes inclusion on in vitro fermentation of lactating dairy cow diets in a dual-flow continuous-culture system
The objective of this study was to determine the
effects of including exogenous amylolytic or fibrolytic
enzymes in a diet for high-producing dairy cows on in
vitro ruminal fermentation. Eight dual-flow continuousculture ...
Satisfaction of the Dental Service Users at Some Clinical Externships, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Costa Rica
The objective of this research was to determine the degree of satisfaction
of dental service users in some clinical externships at the Faculty of Dentistry from the
University of Costa Rica during the year 2022, through ...
Efecto de la inclusión de Musa sp. en la conservación de ensilajes de Trichanthera gigantea (Humb. & Bonpl.) Nees.
Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de diferentes niveles de Musa sp. en la calidad nutricional y fermentativa
de ensilajes de Trichanthera gigantea (Humb. & Bonpl.) Nees.
Materiales y Métodos: Se utilizó un ...