Análisis del clima organizacional del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del cantón Riobamba bajo el modelo Great Place to Work para mejorar la calidad de servicio
2022-08-05Registration in:
Calderón Armijos, Kevin Santiago. (2022). Análisis del clima organizacional del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del cantón Riobamba bajo el modelo Great Place to Work para mejorar la calidad de servicio. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Calderón Armijos, Kevin Santiago
The objective of this research was to analyze the organizational climate of the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Riobamba Canton using the Great Place to Work model to develop strategies to improve the service quality offered by the institution. The research is based on a qualitative and quantitative approach with a research level that starts from the exploratory and descriptive and reaches a correlational level since it was sought to verify whether the feelings of the employee affect their quality of service, where the research design is non-experimental since we did not manipulate the results. In addition to being transversal, since we collected the data only once, the evaluation was carried out through the Likert scale. The five dimensions considered by this model are credibility, respect, impartiality, camaraderie, and pride, and a survey was also applied to know the internal perception of the organizational climate. The results showed that the corporate environment within the GADM is moderately positive. However, it was obtained a negative evaluation in the impartiality dimension, and it was also verified that there is a correlation between the employee's feelings and each of the dimensions, which were measured through Spearman's rho correlation. In conclusion, we obtained results that allowed us to develop strategies related to the emotional salary to optimize the organizational climate within the institution and thus improve the quality of service it offers