dc.contributorMerchán, María Gerardina
dc.creatorNagua Andrade, Sulmy Katiuska
dc.creatorNarváez Fajardo, Tania Verónica
dc.creatorSaico Saldaña, Susana Mercedes
dc.description.abstractBackground: According to OMS complementary feeding covers the period from 6 to 24 months, range in which the child is very vulnerable. That's when many infants begin to suffer from malnutrition and as well the high number of malnourished children who are in the world. (1). Data obtained by the ENSANUT (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) ECU from 2011 to 2013 shows that from an early age children receive liquids other than breast milk. (2) To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices supplementary feeding mothers of children 6-24 months of age in the Health Sub Center “Barrial Blanco”, Cuenca 2015. Methodology: A quantitative study, descriptive of transverse section, with a universe of 422 and a sample of 81 mothers of children 6-24 months of age, as technical a structured form was used and validated by the authors that was conducted applied prior informed consent. The tabulation of the data collected was performed using SPSS 15.0 software and the results represented by their respective percentage table and statistical analysis. Results: 49.4% of mothers showed a level of secondary education, 75.3% housewives, 58% with income of $ 401 301 a month, 85.2% are responsible for feeding and caring for your child. 60, 4% began complementary feeding from 6 months, 74.1% of children have their own utensils, and 49.4% prefer to prepare thick porridge. Conclusion: There is some limited knowledge regarding complementary feeding, however it is not considered relevant because when evaluating the practices and attitudes of mothers, most are suitable. Keywords: KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, PRACTICES, COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING, HEALTH BARRIAL SUBCENTRE WHITE CUENCA – ECUADOR
dc.subjectConocimientos, Actitudes Y Prácticas
dc.subjectAlimentacion Complementaria
dc.subjectSubcentro De Salud Barrial Blanco
dc.titleConocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre alimentación complementaria en madres de niños de 6 a 24 meses de edad que acuden al Subcentro de Salud Zona 6 Distrito 01D01 Barrial Blanco Cuenca, 2015

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