El derecho a la salud sexual en las personas con discapacidad intelectual
Ambrosi Andrade, Alejandro Santiago
This monograph presents a critical view on the sexual rights of people with disabilities, as well as the debate on the right to assisted pleasure. For this purpose, a bibliographical and field research has been carried out to identify the reflections around the theme.
It starts from the conceptualization of the disability, particularly the intellectual that plays the role of reference in the development of all research. Then, the study of sexuality, freedom, sexual behaviors and the implications of sexual health for people with disabilities is addressed.
The gender category is fundamental in the development of the analysis and the proposal of the assistance to the pleasure, reason why the development of the relation of gender, the care, the autonomy and the sexuality are approached in depth.
The legal framework attaches importance to the analysis of the standard in relation to sexual abuse and disability. It seeks to identify the imaginary and perceptions about the right to sexual health and assisted pleasure, through semi-structured interviews with caregivers of people with disabilities, as well as specialists related to the issue. The information raised, lays the foundation for a proposal to contribute to the right to sexual health and the possibility of assisted sexuality.