dc.contributorMendes, Jean Joubert Freitas
dc.contributorCarvalho, Valéria Lázaro de
dc.contributorBellochio, Cláudia Ribeiro
dc.creatorNascimento, Catarina Aracelle Porto do
dc.identifierNASCIMENTO, Catarina Aracelle Porto do. PIBID MÚSICA - UFRN: a formação de professores em articulação com os saberes docentes. 2015. 150f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Música) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
dc.description.abstractMusic Education in Brazil has gained its place on the Brazilian educational scene, causing a rethinking of the contemporary music educator’s initial training. Based on this understanding, the main objective of this work is to analyze the articulation of teaching knowledge that the music subproject PIBID / UFRN provides the participating fellows in the teacher training process. To this end, the subsequent paths were followed: an investigation of what is the main knowledge that constitutes the formation of the music educator; an identification of the nature(s) (epistemological, philosophical, social, emotional, educational, etc.) of this knowledge in music teacher training; observation of how teachers acquire knowledge in initial music training; and the researching of the interrelationship between teaching knowledge and the contribution of PIBID Music / UFRN in this process. The methodology used is a priority qualitative approach through the case study method, developed in two steps. The first phase characterized the profile identification of the scholarship students investigated, the teaching knowledge provided throughout and the nature of the music educator’s formation process, as well as the way(s) in which the educator acquires this knowledge in initial music training. The second phase analyzed how the articulation of this teaching knowledge occurs, from the perspective of PIBID. The theoretical framework that supports this research is Tardif (2013), complemented by authors of Musical Education (Bellochio, 2003a, 2003b; Queiroz, 2014; Del Ben, 2003) and Education (Nóvoa, 1995a, 1995b, 2009; Gauthier et al. 1998; Pimenta, 1999), among others. Data collection in the first phase occurred through semi-structured interviews, where with content analysis (Bardin, 2011) and the theoretical framework adopted, the teacher knowledge that guides the initial formation of the contemporary music educator can be identified, as well as the relationship that the PIBID Music / UFRN builds with this knowledge. The results achieved with this research allow us to present the PIBID as a developmental tool in the education of teachers, from their growth and strengthening throughout Brazil. The prism of the PIBID music subproject / UFRN, the PIBID is an articulator in the construction and reconstruction of teaching knowledge in initial music teacher training. Therefore, it is hoped that with this work, music teacher training can create opportunities for articulation of teaching knowledge in the real context of the classroom, thus consolidating, the space of music and the music educator in regular schools, as well as contributing significantly to the strengthening of the PIBID Music UFRN.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectFormação docente em música
dc.subjectSaberes docentes
dc.subjectPIBID Música/UFRN
dc.subjectArticulação de saberes docentes
dc.titlePIBID MÚSICA - UFRN: a formação de professores em articulação com os saberes docentes

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